Monna said:
Hey there. I was just approved as sponsor on April 30th. May 6th our file was transferred to Warsaw. Did not get AOR2 yet.
I also did not get an email/letter with my SA. Called CIC, they told me I am approved, but letter was never prepared and sent out.
I also am worried that we might have forgot to include my husbands email into application.
Is there a way to find out from Warsaw? Email address, perhaps?
Hi Monna,
I is up to you if you want to have the decision on the sponsorship approval on paper or not. Even if they haven't let you know in writing, I don't know why they wouldn't do it if you ask them specifically to send you such confirmation.
About the email for the PR application. You don't have a copy of your whole application? Or saved files of it when you filled it in before sending?
Even though it's too late, but for the future reference, it's good idea to scan all the documents before sending them to CIC (or any other institution) so you have a copy if you need to check something
In my case the AOR2 was sent to me (the applicant), not to my sponsor, and I think this is how they do it in general.
This is part of my AOR2 from Warsaw:
When should I contact CIC?
You must notify CIC of any changes to your application. Examples of changes include:
• Changes in your personal circumstances, such as birth or adoption of a child, a marriage or a divorce
• Change of contact information (e-mail, mailing address, telephone number)
• Appointment or change of immigration representative or designated individual
• Decision to withdraw your application
To notify CIC of changes to your application, visit, select the office stated below, and follow the directions for “Case Specific Enquiry.”
However I wouldn't use the form until the person you sponsored get AOR2, as what if they haven't received the application yet?
Another possibility is that you haven't put email, so they send it in mail. Whatever address you put as an applicant's address (not your address, unless you already live together), that's where Warsaw Embassy will send the AOR2 through regular mail.
So if you want to add email address to the PR application you should click the link above, find Poland on the list, click on Warsaw, and then choose "Case Specific Enquiry", but I would wait another week or two, just in case the letter with AOR2 for the person you sponsor is taking a little longer to be sent or delivered.
Good luck
Oh, and even if you update the email, they might tell you that they got it, but they will use it when they need to contact the person you sponsor. Sometimes we think they are sloppy in answering, but they just want to focus on processing applications instead of answering every question we might have