Ok, am replying to this thread since I think (??) I might soon be in this position. My visitor status expires April 13th, and I thought we'd be all set to send in the outland PR app before March 13th so that I could apply to extend my visitor status. But now my partner has discovered that his passport expires March 13th...so it seems he'll have to renew before we can apply (argh). I'm also waiting on paper copies of some police certificates (have e-copies of everything from FBI and my home country), though I think/hope they'll arrive early next week.
So my question is this: if we can't get our PR app in 30 days before my visitor status is up, is it better to a.) apply anyway and hope for the best, maybe pay the PR fee up front? or b.) get his passport renewed ASAP, get the PR app in, and then apply for my extension, even though this will be less than 30 days before my status is up? Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this...