Hi emira,
Moj muz je isto iz bosne.. i also got married in aug but i applied on sept 19, got approved as sponsor 10 day later and the status of my application has not changed since

its very depressing as i thought it would take about 5 months like it has with many other people i know who sponsored 3-5 years ago. All that to say i jut got back today from visiting him and still am hopeful for a 9-10 month max waiting period ( i know it could be more but the thought of 13 months is way too depressing!) i will keep u posted if we hear anything. Our case it quite simple we r the same age, no previous marriages,no kids, no millitary background, 4 year relationship prior to marriage. Not sure why they need this much time but regardless you are very lucky to be able to stay in bosna for an extended period of time