Hi, Muby and Alvinn,
Do take everything with you guys, whatever you can think of as a proof. Exactly like Skype, gmail, etc, from day one your application was sent in. Like an update. If you met with spouse or did anything together, cinema, a concert, a dinner out, pics, ANYTHING, have it with you.
Please keep it in mind, that as soon as you arrive at the Embassy in Vienna, the security guy will take every electronic things away from you, laptop, iPad, phone, pendrive etc, so do print everything on paper.
If I were you, I would also keep all my official document of mine with me, eventhough you already submitted them. It wont hurt... Birth certificate, if you got copy of police certificate, passport , OD card if you got one, and whatever, you know.
Oh, and for last, the night before interview do read the essay you sent about development of your relationship. Not like either of you need to "study" it, I dont mean it that way, but you should refresh the sentences you wrote down, the way you wrote it, because they might ask into anything and question a satement of yours, like: "You wrote xxxxyyyyyzzzzzz, how did you mean it." And you should know what the hell are they talking about exactly. And it would not help to see you guys having a hard time trying to recall your own sentences. You know, you wrote it a LOT months ago.
Well,that's all, I honestly think everything will be just great!!!!
Ohhh, please note, its not easy to park the car there, the Embassy is in the very middle of the city, narrow streets, full of parking cars and no parking lot. So be there in time