I just got notification that the pkg was delivered to the CPC Mississauga P.O Box. Yay/GULP!
Gulp because (as I posted elsewhere, but was thinking that it might more pertinant to ask here too): Gah! Of course something goes awry. Yesterday I was just looking over my copy of the pkg I just sent on Friday to CPC Mississauga and realized on the 'Sponsor Questionnaire' under DOB I put the year 2013. *FACEPALM!* The day and month are correct, no idea what I was thinking! Obviously on my 'application of undertaking' and all my other documents I've got the correct DOB. So, is this something I should worry about? Will the IO just pen in the correct date on that form? Or, should I email or fax them a new copy of the form with the correct DOB? If email, does anyone have the email for CPC Mississauga?
Also, having read other threads, my head is spinning a bit wondering if I included 'enough' proof in our application. I'm Canadian, hubbs is American (er...obviously, considering this thread I'm posting in!). We were introduced by mutual friends and have been together for almost 3 years, were engaged last summer and married this April. The things we included:
- 50-something pictures of us together (wedding, vacations, post-wedding family/friend dinner). They're not date-stamped because we printed them from Shutterfly while getting our application together.
- Booking information from our destination wedding, as well as the post-wedding dinner that we had (it was just us at the wedding, we didn't want anything big). Scanned copies of our returned RSVP cards and the cards that we received from people at the dinner.
- A dozon or so emails (a lot of which were from when we were first getting to know each other), plus a screen shot of my 'hubbs' folder, which shows we have almost 5000 emails between us. I'm not printing out 5000 emails!

- Screen shot of his 'magic jack' (a voice over IP service he uses for calling me). Shows only a sample, but gives a good idea of how often we talk and for how long (1.5-2hrs every night). I also sent a screen-shot of my cell bill (it doesn't itemize calls that are on my My10 plan, and I get e-copies, not hardcopies in the mail), to show how many min I use.
- Printouts of my first flight down to see him, his flight to meet my parents. Plus about 20 or so e-recipts from when I would take the bus down to visit him. This also shows that my bus rides would take about 19+ hours! If that isn't love, I don't know what is!
- Screen shots of Facebook 'status changes' (in a relationship/engaged/married) and all of the comments from friends and family.
Is this enough? I know, a little late to ask! ??? I guess I'm just worried as I keep hearing things about how it's a 'good idea' to have lived together before applying? Neither of us have status, save visitor, in each others countries. So, we haven't lived together per se - but, I have spent the past 4mo down here visiting (1mo, left for a weekend, back for 3mo). I don't have anything to prove that, like a lease or something. Though, after I sent the application I realized I could send in my credit card statements April-August showing all of my local purchases (i.e. the Dunkin Doughnuts down the street!

) to prove I was in the area, or, that I had Amazon purchases shipped here to me. Should I send this after the fact, or, only if the request more proof?
And here I thought all my stress would be done now that the application has been sent off! Riiiiight! ;D