OhCanadiana has this post from earlier this yr says ... "CPP Ottawa: 20 % of cases completed in 4 months, 30 % in 4 mo., 50 % in 6 mo., 70 % in 12 mo., & 80% in 12 mo" (http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/-t111426.0.html) My file was transferred to Ottawa on July 23, 2012 on October 9, 2012 it went to LA with PPR so they were done with my file in 2 1/2 months... today once I hop the border (sorry I am american I can't miss Black Friday LOL my husband hates me this morning I am sure :

) it will be exactly 7 months from start to finish. and 3 of that was sponsorship approval, and just over 6 weeks (and 2 days) for passport to go and return...