Boujasim Thannnnnk youu.
Sorry in advance from everyone who doesn't speak arabic, I have to use arabic expression in order to refer to the police station in lebanon,to make sure from boujasim I am doing the right steps.
Boujasim, I called Thakanat al helou who said that I have to take the fingerprints card, my passport, passport pics and go there to the Mabahith 3ilmia in the third floor, do the fingerprints, and they will make me do another fingerprints for their own record, then to maktab tahakouk min hawiat...( I really laughed on these names...
)) the fourth floor, do the tousdik there, and after that go to wizarat kharjiat, do the tousdik there as well .
I asked him about the tousdik from the USA embassy in lebanon, he didn't know anything about, so please I will count on you to ask your friend in the embassy about that.
I am really thankful for this forum and everyone who is helping me, and between us, this forum had more info than our lawyer in canada, can you believe that I am giving him info that he doesn't know from reading in this forum. I am thinking I have to ask a charge from him for these info..
I will be able to work in immigration later on in canda..