Well the passport is already gone so we can't have it sent back to Ireland and then his family sends it on. We were just curious how it gets delivered back to Canada, hoping by courier or registered mail. Something traceable anyway.
Something I read on here made me think...we were assuming that when the passport comes back my husband would book a trip back home to wind some things up then come in and land. But can he land if we went over to the States and back in to Canada (once his passport and papers are back of course)? Or does he have to land from his home country? If he can land from the States, do we just go over the border and stay a couple of hours and present ourselves to Canada Immigration? Are there any potential problems to doing it this way?
Doing it through the US would allow us to get a better flight deal and also get his SIN and health card started before he goes back to Ireland for a couple of weeks to wrap his affairs up.