I failed to mention yesterday that in addition to fun with depressing GCMS notes, I also had an IA letter from Buffalo (regular mail). So in addition to letting me know that they were done with the initial assessment of the file (whatever that means), and that they were waiving the interview (which was a big sigh of relief and means I will not be mailing that updated packet of relationship evidence I had waiting for some cue to mail in), there was a document request (which perhaps is the push factor in Buffalo deciding to send an IA in the first place).
The document in question was my CSQ, sigh, which they claimed they did not have.
This despite the fact that they
(1) were forwarded it in July from le Ministere de l'Immigration et des Communautes Culturelles (CSQ cover letter states, "notre decision est egalement transmise au BVC de BUFFALO......"),
(2) Mississauga received it from me in August when I sent them my RPRF receipt and in the same envelope, a copy of the CSQ *with the request that they forward it to Buffalo* (Mississauga later sent a letter addressed to my husband, even though the payment and mail they received was from moi..... :

, saying that they were pleased to confirm receipt of the RPRF and had notified the VO),
(3) AND of course had sent three separate emails to their "F$ck Off Department" (to borrow janamay1967's phrase) basically begging them to tell me if they had it or not.
In any case, I'm going to send them my CSQ by mail, fax, email, and will deploy a flock of carrier pigeons to drop them on everyone's desk during lunch hour. Even the janitor will get his own copy. Fine, I'm kidding.
The only thing was that "certified true copies" language in the letter. My husband was convinced that it referred to some form of notarization, I disagreed, and a big fight ensued. I emailed the non-F$ck Off Department (janamay1967's email) for clarification this morning and have yet to hear back (update: okay, I totally forgot it was Thanksgiving, lol). If I don't, they will be getting a simple photocopy of it, and I believe that's what they need.