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Thread for MARCH 2010 applicants!


Hero Member
Mar 2, 2010
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hope u get ur paasport this coming week calgary :) and i get mine too soon ;D

[hey guys i sent my passport via speed post indian postal services for which i got tracking number but its still not working online, is it standard with indian postal services or what else?]


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Feb 23, 2010
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New Delhi, India
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Unfortunately Speed Post is not reliable as Blue Dart.
You can't even see anything online? You may want to call Customer Care and find out how log its going to show on their tracking tool.
It should not take more than 24 hours to show up on their tracking tool.


hey callgary did you get your passport back yet its been a month now


May 21, 2010
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abedelia said:
Thanks can_80_n.... you're right, what matters is that they are working on the file, not that I can see it in eCAS. It's comforting to know that our application is on track relative to yours. I'm going to try to just sit tight and let it take its course, it's just difficult to trust the process when you hear horror stories of lost documents and get contradictory information from the call centre agents, etc. But I know that for most people, it's a relatively simple process once the application is submitted.

Thanks!! :)
Hi abedelia, man_80_n here (can_80_n's husband). If I'm reading your posts correctly you're already in Montreal--I'm wondering if I can ask you a few questions about your crossing.

Can_80_n and I are hitting the road in about ten days (moving to Quebec City). I don't yet have my PR visa. I will be working remotely for my US employer. We'll be crossing in can_80_n's car and will have a car's worth of stuff, in addition to our two cats (one smart, one dumb). The moving truck will be about a week behind us.

1. Where did you cross?
2. What time of day did you cross?
3. Did you import your car? If so, easy? arduous?
4. How much time did you spend at the border?

We're going to cross in Vermont, probably on I-91, and probably in the morning (8:00am-ish) though I'm open to suggestions. We'll be importing can_80_n's car. (Most of the paperwork is ready for that.) I'll have proof of US job, proof of US residence, proof of PR application being in process at Buffalo, proof of funds, and proof that I'm just in general a pretty swell guy. Fingers crossed we'll have the CSQ, but I doubt that will happen in time.

In addition to my specific questions above, I'm also looking for any general advice you might have about crossing with the intent to wait in Canada for one's PR approval.



Hero Member
Mar 2, 2010
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calgary_flames said:
Unfortunately Speed Post is not reliable as Blue Dart.
You can't even see anything online? You may want to call Customer Care and find out how log its going to show on their tracking tool.
It should not take more than 24 hours to show up on their tracking tool.
thats so true, they are so unreliable ??? i posted my passport on 18th but still nothing online on tracking tool. i think they take their own sweet time to update.
i will ring them this coming monday....


Star Member
Oct 7, 2009
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man_80_n said:
Hi abedelia, man_80_n here (can_80_n's husband). If I'm reading your posts correctly you're already in Montreal--I'm wondering if I can ask you a few questions about your crossing.

Can_80_n and I are hitting the road in about ten days (moving to Quebec City). I don't yet have my PR visa. I will be working remotely for my US employer. We'll be crossing in can_80_n's car and will have a car's worth of stuff, in addition to our two cats (one smart, one dumb). The moving truck will be about a week behind us.

1. Where did you cross?
2. What time of day did you cross?
3. Did you import your car? If so, easy? arduous?
4. How much time did you spend at the border?

We're going to cross in Vermont, probably on I-91, and probably in the morning (8:00am-ish) though I'm open to suggestions. We'll be importing can_80_n's car. (Most of the paperwork is ready for that.) I'll have proof of US job, proof of US residence, proof of PR application being in process at Buffalo, proof of funds, and proof that I'm just in general a pretty swell guy. Fingers crossed we'll have the CSQ, but I doubt that will happen in time.

In addition to my specific questions above, I'm also looking for any general advice you might have about crossing with the intent to wait in Canada for one's PR approval.

Hi man_80_n! :)
OK. Sounds like our situations are very similar. We even have a dumb cat. We made a couple of mistakes you might benefit from knowing about so I'll tell you our whole story over the last year, so get ready, Mr Bedelia says I have a tendency to be wordy!

We moved to Canada last July. We had been married that spring and had made only a little bit of progress with figuring out the PR application. I had been living back in the US for a few years (we met in Canada while I was a student there) and my husband had been back and forth a lot during that time and as of July had only been a US resident for about 9 months. He's a dual Canadian-US citizen and I'm a US citizen.

So in July we packed up all of our stuff. We didn't have a place in Montreal yet; we were going to live at an apartment owned by his parents while we searched for our own place, which was nice because we wouldn't have to bring all of our worldly belongings across the border at once. We made up The List of all of our belongings. (Do you have that? What is your plan for getting the moving truck across the border?). We had a big U-Haul trailer on a pickup truck that was also full of stuff.

We put most of the stuff into a storage unit in St. Albans, Vermont (we went up I-89 on that trip--we have used both the 91 and 89 crossings many other times and I don't know of any significant differences between them). Then we went across the border with a pickup truck full of stuff, mostly clothes, some minor furniture and household things, nothing expensive. Plus the cat. Also, the truck is in my name. (My husband is a contractor so it's really his, but we bought it in my name, and that is our only vehicle. More on that later.) It was early evening by then. I don't think the time of day matters, but I would avoid holiday weekends if you can, you might be in for a long line.

They wanted to know: whose truck is this, what is all of this stuff. We said that we are moving back to Canada, this is our stuff and I am about to apply for PR. We got sent inside. What we learned inside is that because he hadn't been away for at least a year, he wasn't allowed to have a list of goods returning with him. But if he had (it sounds like you won't have that issue), we would have had to say all of it was "his" (which we didn't do when they asked us) in order for it to count. Since visitors can't just move all of their worldly possessions into Canada for free. So that's something to keep in mind. In the end, they let us go without paying duty (we didn't have much of value, but it looked like a lot of stuff so they weren't that happy. We just kind of pleaded ignorance and it was OK). Since our first crossing, we've slowly emptied the storage unit--we've gone to St. Albans a few times and picked up what we estimate to be the limit of my husband's exemption as a resident of Canada, and it's been fine.

Then, they wanted to know about my status. I said that I'm about to put in the PR application. The guy was really nice and seemed really genuinely excited that I was about to apply to immigrate. Very nice guy. I don't remember exactly what he asked me but at some point I did have to explain that I was going to be working remotely at my job in the US and that satisfied, I think, any concerns about finances and/or ties to the US, I'm not sure which. I didn't have to show proof of that (although I had brought it). Then, they came back with a visitor record stapled in my passport with a 6-month expiration. I suspect you will get one of these. I like having it because it sort of speaks for itself in terms of what my status is and it's sort of documentation that I'm "legal" here, which I like. I've had to renew it once since I got it and it was easy and quick. We probably spent about 30 minutes inside at the border.

Since the car is in my name, we didn't import it. We'll do it when I land I guess. One thing we've learned on that end: my husband can't really drive the car to the US and back without me with him since it's my car and it's plated in the US and he is a Quebec resident. I'm not sure how that translates to your situation, but it's one of the hazards of the two of you having 2 different resident statuses.

The cat we have brought across the border a few times and we carry a rabies vaccine certificate for her and I just hand it over upfront with my passport.

Also, I've gone back to the US several times since last summer by land and by air, both before and after I actually submitted my application and I've never had a problem. They usually want to know where I am in the PR process but that's it. One time I was flying back and my visitor record was about to expire so they sent me in to immigration (the only time). And the guy just basically said, you should probably renew that, and I said, don't I have up until the day it expires to submit the renewal online, and he said, yes, and I was like, OK! Thanks! And he sent me on my way.

So, I don't know if I've been lucky or what, but my experience has been pretty good as far as waiting out the process here. My actual PR application has caused me a little frustration as you can see, but I'm hoping that is going to work itself out and not be a problem in the end. I think you're in good shape. It sounds like you have the documentation and proof that you need. I would not worry and just enjoy having the rest of the summer in Quebec!!! The weather is great!

Good luck with everything!!!!


Star Member
Feb 23, 2010
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New Delhi, India
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iarblue said:
hey callgary did you get your passport back yet its been a month now
No, not yet. I am hoping to get response next week.


May 21, 2010
Job Offer........
abedelia said:
Hi man_80_n! :)
OK. Sounds like our situations are very similar. We even have a dumb cat. We made a couple of mistakes you might benefit from knowing about so I'll tell you our whole story over the last year, so get ready, Mr Bedelia says I have a tendency to be wordy!

We moved to Canada last July. We had been married that spring and had made only a little bit of progress with figuring out the PR application. I had been living back in the US for a few years (we met in Canada while I was a student there) and my husband had been back and forth a lot during that time and as of July had only been a US resident for about 9 months. He's a dual Canadian-US citizen and I'm a US citizen.

So in July we packed up all of our stuff. We didn't have a place in Montreal yet; we were going to live at an apartment owned by his parents while we searched for our own place, which was nice because we wouldn't have to bring all of our worldly belongings across the border at once. We made up The List of all of our belongings. (Do you have that? What is your plan for getting the moving truck across the border?). We had a big U-Haul trailer on a pickup truck that was also full of stuff.

We put most of the stuff into a storage unit in St. Albans, Vermont (we went up I-89 on that trip--we have used both the 91 and 89 crossings many other times and I don't know of any significant differences between them). Then we went across the border with a pickup truck full of stuff, mostly clothes, some minor furniture and household things, nothing expensive. Plus the cat. Also, the truck is in my name. (My husband is a contractor so it's really his, but we bought it in my name, and that is our only vehicle. More on that later.) It was early evening by then. I don't think the time of day matters, but I would avoid holiday weekends if you can, you might be in for a long line.

They wanted to know: whose truck is this, what is all of this stuff. We said that we are moving back to Canada, this is our stuff and I am about to apply for PR. We got sent inside. What we learned inside is that because he hadn't been away for at least a year, he wasn't allowed to have a list of goods returning with him. But if he had (it sounds like you won't have that issue), we would have had to say all of it was "his" (which we didn't do when they asked us) in order for it to count. Since visitors can't just move all of their worldly possessions into Canada for free. So that's something to keep in mind. In the end, they let us go without paying duty (we didn't have much of value, but it looked like a lot of stuff so they weren't that happy. We just kind of pleaded ignorance and it was OK). Since our first crossing, we've slowly emptied the storage unit--we've gone to St. Albans a few times and picked up what we estimate to be the limit of my husband's exemption as a resident of Canada, and it's been fine.

Then, they wanted to know about my status. I said that I'm about to put in the PR application. The guy was really nice and seemed really genuinely excited that I was about to apply to immigrate. Very nice guy. I don't remember exactly what he asked me but at some point I did have to explain that I was going to be working remotely at my job in the US and that satisfied, I think, any concerns about finances and/or ties to the US, I'm not sure which. I didn't have to show proof of that (although I had brought it). Then, they came back with a visitor record stapled in my passport with a 6-month expiration. I suspect you will get one of these. I like having it because it sort of speaks for itself in terms of what my status is and it's sort of documentation that I'm "legal" here, which I like. I've had to renew it once since I got it and it was easy and quick. We probably spent about 30 minutes inside at the border.

Since the car is in my name, we didn't import it. We'll do it when I land I guess. One thing we've learned on that end: my husband can't really drive the car to the US and back without me with him since it's my car and it's plated in the US and he is a Quebec resident. I'm not sure how that translates to your situation, but it's one of the hazards of the two of you having 2 different resident statuses.

The cat we have brought across the border a few times and we carry a rabies vaccine certificate for her and I just hand it over upfront with my passport.

Also, I've gone back to the US several times since last summer by land and by air, both before and after I actually submitted my application and I've never had a problem. They usually want to know where I am in the PR process but that's it. One time I was flying back and my visitor record was about to expire so they sent me in to immigration (the only time). And the guy just basically said, you should probably renew that, and I said, don't I have up until the day it expires to submit the renewal online, and he said, yes, and I was like, OK! Thanks! And he sent me on my way.

So, I don't know if I've been lucky or what, but my experience has been pretty good as far as waiting out the process here. My actual PR application has caused me a little frustration as you can see, but I'm hoping that is going to work itself out and not be a problem in the end. I think you're in good shape. It sounds like you have the documentation and proof that you need. I would not worry and just enjoy having the rest of the summer in Quebec!!! The weather is great!

Good luck with everything!!!!
Thanks a ton for the info, abedelia. Our situations are quite similar. Freaky! Can_80_n is, like your husband, a dual US/Canadian citizen. She's been in the US about eleven years, so we should not have to pay duty, etc. on our (I mean "her") possessions. (We would owe duty on items worth over $10,000, but, c'mon, we definitely ain't rich enough to own something that costs $10,000 [car excepted].) Most of the stuff that we'll have in the car is can_80_n's. I'll have my laptop and a backpack full of clothes. The moving truck will have can_80_n's stuff. When we cross, can_80_n will give to customs her list of goods to follow. The moving truck will cross about a week after us. The moving company will handle the border crossing on their own, but customs stuff we'll have to take care of at a special customs bonded warehouse in Quebec City. Basically we meet the truck at the warehouse and for all intents and purposes the warehouse acts as the border. Customs will go through our stuff (I'm assuming) and then the truck goes to our place and gets unloaded.

For me and my stuff, I'm working now on my lists of goods to follow, which I'll give to customs/immigration when I land (sometime in July or August, God willing). We'll drive or ship my stuff in dribs and drabs. (Most of it's in Texas, where I'm from, so I should be able to get family to throw things in boxes and ship them to Quebec.)

I'm glad to hear the summer weather is good. It's been an irritatingly cold May here in the California Bay Area.


Hero Member
Mar 23, 2010
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man_80_n said:
Thanks a ton for the info, abedelia. Our situations are quite similar. Freaky! Can_80_n is, like your husband, a dual US/Canadian citizen. She's been in the US about eleven years, so we should not have to pay duty, etc. on our (I mean "her") possessions.
I also am a dual US/CDN and have been in the US almost 12 years. So I guess the uhaul we take will have to contain "my" possessions. I appreciate that piece of info.

man_80_n said:
I'm glad to hear the summer weather is good. It's been an irritatingly cold May here in the California Bay Area.
That is a long way to go - from California to Vermont. We will make the drive from MI to Montana to cross up in to Alberta. Not to excited about the drive.

Have you guys received your pp request yet? (I will have to look back int he thread to see what you both have said).


May 21, 2010
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heatherusa said:
I also am a dual US/CDN and have been in the US almost 12 years. So I guess the uhaul we take will have to contain "my" possessions. I appreciate that piece of info.

That is a long way to go - from California to Vermont. We will make the drive from MI to Montana to cross up in to Alberta. Not to excited about the drive.

Have you guys received your pp request yet? (I will have to look back int he thread to see what you both have said).
Heatherusa--no, I have not yet received my PP request. Our file was transferred to Buffalo just a couple of weeks ago. Plus on top of that we have to go through Quebec's confirmation. I'm anticipating that Buffalo will begin work on our file in ... well, I really have no idea. I'm hoping for mid-June. We'll see. Can_80_n and I are relaxing with a few drinks tonight. I think that might be the best way to get through the next few months.


Hero Member
Mar 23, 2010
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I agree... its adult beverage time! LOL... Good luck.


Star Member
Mar 6, 2010
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USA Outland - Buffalo
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Buffalo people, Please keep the updates coming.
I haven't heard anything since our sponsorship was approved.
Waiting as patiently as I can. :)


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Mar 6, 2010
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USA Outland - Buffalo
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By the way for the person crossing in Montana to Alberta, consider Coutts. I've crossed there at various stages of the process without difficulty, just go prepared. :)


Hero Member
Mar 23, 2010
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Passport Req..
adetia9 said:
By the way for the person crossing in Montana to Alberta, consider Coutts. I've crossed there at various stages of the process without difficulty, just go prepared. :)
Coutts does seem to be the way to go. We will make sure that we have all the copies of paperwork available and hopefully we wont have problems.

Thanks for the comments! ;D


Star Member
Nov 17, 2009
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Buffalo, US
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Just checked E Cas and my app is "In Process" in Buffalo as of May 18. So it took roughly 6 weeks from the time it was transfered from CPC-M to Buffalo.