Hello Crucial. The others are right to advise the MP. But I totally understand where you are coming from if you had an unpleasant encounter with them. They can be like that because they have not walked in these shoes before for most of them, so they may not understand how hard it is to be away from a spouse. Then again all hope is not lost. I know that sometimes if you use a representative, they get more info out of the VO. If you can afford it, go for it. The Contact Centre doesn't usually have information on anything outside the land. Hoping that your application was not stalled by someone, or that it's not an inaccuracy that is causing the delay, start praying. Look at your prayer like a seed and the words you speak about your application like water. When you speak negative words, you are watering your seed with unclean water. When you keep the hope up (as hard as it may be), and speak right, you are watering with clean water. I am sure things will work out. I will also ask around from my friends in the field what can be done for such a situation. And I am sure the other @ lamour, @ mercyofGod and others, will also keep encouraging and supporting with advise. It's working out for your good. God bless you.