Bro, one last thing about this paris issue ...
The linked in guy of yours , told us that the email he got from paris has same address as london email, just has 'paris' in the the email should be :
paris-im-enquiry @
Funny thing is, This email does not exist on google....hmmm...
Here is french chc site:
The email u click shows u this address:
paris_webmaster @
Could it be that he got a spam mail ?? Althought the email he read out was pretty detailed and mentioned all docs requested with weblinks....but I felt something about it did nt feel right....
just saying this coz , 2Calgary also got a spam mail last week, that "your background checks have started from 14th Feb, 2013", from a fake random address

even though he did medicals 5 months it was spam...
But then again...some forum memebers also have paris in their ecase...anyways...screw this bukwaas....we ll find out soon...let's wait for something OFFICIAL on website.