While I understand the OP's fear about this, I can not encourage her to hold off on reporting this crime to someone other than this forum and her husband. It would now fall into the category that if my daughter has to go for a medical exam and gets this particular doctor because folks are more worried about uncessarily jeopardizing their PR. How are you going to sit back and think it's ok to wait for my PR FIRST. These CHILDREN and WOMEN are in DANGER from this man!
I am sorry you went through this as I would be for anyone exposed to this kind of crime, however you are allowing other women and children to continue being exposed to this pervert and gaining more victims.
@Wowsers: I guess since you no longer have to deal with immigration medicals it doesn't matter to you if more victims pile up behind this one then?
And a quick breast exam was also part of my immigration medical, however it was not an inappropriate duration or contact.
I am sorry you went through this as I would be for anyone exposed to this kind of crime, however you are allowing other women and children to continue being exposed to this pervert and gaining more victims.
@Wowsers: I guess since you no longer have to deal with immigration medicals it doesn't matter to you if more victims pile up behind this one then?
And a quick breast exam was also part of my immigration medical, however it was not an inappropriate duration or contact.