There has never been any question about the dr not being reported. And Im so sad after reading many of your comments. Like I am the bad guy. Like I don't care about others. You don't even know me here. :'(
But I will show you the letter that will be sent to CIC. And then I will leave this thread again.
This is what happened to me at the immigration doctors exams:
Everything started normal, since this was my second medical. My first medical became too old and I had to redo it 2 years later.
As I said it started normal. I was alone with the doctor in the exam room. He asked me to get undressed…..which I did.
I just ended up with my panties on. Still normal. Except for the fact, there were no nurse in the doom with us during the exam.
He checked my heart. Normal.
Listened to my lungs. Normal.
Looked through my body top to bottom. Normal.
Looked in my mouth. Normal.
Then he asked to exam my breasts. I did that at my last immigration medical to, so I laid done on my back with only panties on. He started to feel for lumps in my breast with his both hands. One breast in each hand. But after checking for lumps, it turned into a massage……which lasted for minutes. He even played with my nipples.
I felt very uncomfortable, and it didn’t feel right. And I became scared and did not know what to say… first.
Then he asked me to turn over to my side
“Why, I asked”
And he showed me his long finger and then he said:
I want to feel inside your anal.
Excuse me, I said, has Immigration asked you to feel inside my bum??????
Oh, Okay I will let you of the hock this time, he answered me.
Then he said that he had another room he would like to take me to, because he wanted to investigate my vagina.
Why I said?
It’s a good thing to do and you will get it free of charge from me.
So this has nothing to do with Immigration and what they are asking for?, I asked once again.
No, he answered me.
Well, no thank you, I said. You know I have a family doctor back home where we live, who is caring for me.
First when I refused, he backed away, and started to go through the Immigration medical again.
This was a very uncomfortable experience and I was very scared. Now Im close to 50 and are able to say no if anything seams wrong. Thank God!!!!!!
But I have to write this letter.
I’m thinking of all the young scared girls coming for an immigration medical, and met this doctor. What if they can’t say no to be touched in their behind and vagina, due to the fear of being failing in the doctor report to immigration? Or simply be too afraid to say no. Or think that these exams are normal immigrations exams.
And all young girls getting a 10 min extra breast massage, with pinches in the nipples, after the exams for lumps…..without any nurse in the room the whole time… it was for me.
I have after this exam, learned that the doctor has to have a nurse present during the exams by law. I didn’t know this before I went there.
So why was I alone with the doctor through the whole scary exam, without any nurse present?
I have had nightmares about this experience and I feel dirty. Crying many times. I will never forget what happened in the doctors room.
Worrying about the girls who go there after me been there.
Wondering how many been through this before me.
The thought of any young girl, too scared to say no….is the reason I report this to CIC.
Maybe it can save the girls coming for an Immigration medical, if you can stop him from doing these improper acts on immigration patients.