can/alb said:
Thank you so much. I really hope it turns out positive. I know if they saw is together they'd know right away. I'm going there to see him November 2-14 and his interview is on the 22 :/. He is going to call tomorrow to see if we can bump it ahead for when I'm there. As I can't change my flight dates
I'm so glad you guys are here to talk to during such a difficult process. Thanks again.
Also congrats to those who have gotten in process and DM. Very happy or you. And good luck to all who are still waiting.
Hi, back again, for a bit. Its nap time, so I am taking an advantage and closing my eyes as well.
But back to you CanAlb, yes, i can understand why they assume an interview is needed. BUT its ONLY o protect you as a Canadaian from scammers, try to look at that way. You will do excellent, and there will be no problem.

I try to add some to my friend's post okay.
I think they will schedule the interview to see you together, but then you will be asked as well, obviously.
Try to avoid being tricked, so make sure you know every date - of birthdays, first date of yours, proposal etc. I assume they will ask into your parent's as well, like their occupations, age - date of birth, marital status , brothers, sisters etc. if you have close friends, sure you do, especially who wrote letters to CIC, you both should be able to answer basic questions about them.
Oh and they will definitely ask your husband about your children, like how old are they, which school do they attend, which grade - i don't know how old are they but you could assume what would they ask about in connection their ages.
I assume they would ask into your previous marriage, they might ask him what he knows about it, when why did you meet, how did things turn bad etc.
Oh about your education, his education and work, where , how , since when etc.
I would say you should think of every subject , like education, occupation, family, friends, important dates, likes and dislikes, hobbies and so on, and just talk through.
The most important thing is I think, that in case they ask something you guys cannot answer DONT panic!!!! I shared 10 years in my previous relationship in my homeland ,not even a day separately, i am educated but still question could be asked which I wouldn't know....
Oh and Desi- girl said, know what you wrote down. Read it again, development of relationship , gifts given etc. the VO kind of studied your case and he or she already knows what to ask, so it means its pretty likely that something of the things you - more your husband wrote down.
About the age difference,we have a huge one too, ooops, but i can argue that my ex husband, Hungarian , not rich, no other citizenship, but he was the same age as him... (And every previous "boyfriend" of mine was a lot older than me..) actually even my female friends who are the very best are at that age 40-50, tehre is soemthing wrong with me

;D So be able to answer to that question.