You can use this spreadsheet to see what the timeline has been for different people. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmTrRjKDvHemdDFBNldiNVBUY2I3OHhuOWlKTFNDOHc&usp=sharing&userstoinvite=vmjm1129#gid=0
In my case, it took us a little over two months to get Sponsor Approval once they had sent us an Acknowledgement of Receipt.
You can use this spreadsheet to see what the timeline has been for different people. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmTrRjKDvHemdDFBNldiNVBUY2I3OHhuOWlKTFNDOHc&usp=sharing&userstoinvite=vmjm1129#gid=0
In my case, it took us a little over two months to get Sponsor Approval once they had sent us an Acknowledgement of Receipt.
llij21 said:Hi everyone! Just a quick question, how long till you get sponsor's approval from the VO in ontario? We submitted our application last May 22, 2014, however, up to date, we have not heard anything from them :'(