nhojq said:so meaning po ba, no need for me to go for pdos c/o COA?thanks
no need na nasa ibang bansa ka naman
nhojq said:so meaning po ba, no need for me to go for pdos c/o COA?thanks
aginaya said:Guys this is it!!! yyyaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! my husband said my ecas has finally changed to DM -he checked it @ 630pm and i double checked it!!! ;D i am super happy!!! guys yours are coming next!!! best of luck!!! the waiting is almost over!!! now all i have to wait is mr. courier to hand me the visa! i am ssssooooooooooooooooo excited!!! thanks to all of you guys for your lifting words and comfort, for all the funny jokes and the chitchats, most especially your friendship! check your ecas now guys. goodluck!!! ;D;D
We received your application for permanent residence on January 18, 2011.
We started processing your application on May 24, 2011.
Medical results have been received.
A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.
sir,nhojq said:so meaning po ba, no need for me to go for pdos c/o COA?thanks
sobrang tagal nga sakin kasi PPR from CEM pa to Canada (mailing address kasi sa rep namin). ;Dsideangel85 said:hi mrsh! ang tagal pla dumating ng letter mo..hindi kaya sa location natin yan?...51 days after submission, so i think im goin to count 60 days para may extension pa konti.. ;D
mrsh said:Please check frequently asked questions, notes and abbreviations below.
Anyone with correction or whose name is not on the list yet, feel free to message me.;D
Visa received CEM- Canadian Embassy Manila CPC in Missasauga, Canada
Decision Made PPR-Passport Request AOR- Acknowledgement of Receipt
In Process DM- Decision Made MP- Member of Parliament
CPC Rec'd CPC DM CEM Rec'd AOR/PPR PPSent In Process Interview DM VISA Destination
Eosinophil 03/21/10 06/01/10 06/09/10 06/20/10 04/???/11
MLViill 06/03/11 07/14/11 07/23/11 08/26/10 ??/??/??
(missed email fr. Jul10;received final noticed fr. CEM Jan2011; re-med 04/26/11) Winnipeg
Frapii 08/24/10 09/21/10 09/28/10 10/10/10 09/28/10 02/16/11 02/16/11 03/04/11 Toronto
NT_PH 09/18/09 11/07/09 02/22/11 (re-med request; 03/14/11 remed done)
Sweetsmile 09/04/10 11/05/10 11/17/10 12/15/10 12/30/10 04/06/11 Saskatoon
Silvercreek 09/20/10 10/20/10 10/28/10 11/17/10 02/01/11 02/10/11
P3me 09/22/10 10/20/10 11/02/10 11/12/10 12/31/10 02/14/11 02/23/11 Midland
Mrs. Vip 09/22/10 10/22/10 11/02/10 11/25/10 12/22/10 02/28/11 03/04/11 Toronto
Xian2010 09/24/10 10/25/10 11/02/10 02/18/11 03/04/11 no news since then-i think visa received already
Kezzia 09/29/10 11/18/10 12/02/10 04/05/11
(contacted by CEM 04/29/11 for addtl med; med done)
Lee_rockz 10/01/10 11/01/10 11/16/11 12/14/10 01/12/11 01/29/11 02/12/11
Lola_arl 10/09/10 11/23/10 12/03/10 12/30/10 03/17/11 03/18/11
Chanci 10/12/10 02/01/11 02/07/11 02/17/11 02/22/11 02/07/11 05/12/11 05/17/11 Calgary
Filipina 10/27/10 11/23/10 01/04/11 01/20/11 02/07/11 02/16/11 Winnipeg
ehs 10/28/10 12/08/10 12/28/10 01/11/11 03/19/11
Lestah2005 10/28/10 01/18/11 02/07/11 05/05/11 05/13/11
(child sponsorship)
Foreverlove 11/02/10 11/30/10 12/08/10 01/14/11 01/13/11 Saskatoon
Pinay_juliet 11/04/10 11/30/10 01/20/11 01/25/11
Prettyfritzie 11/09/10 01/24/11 02/08/11 02/10/11 05/09/11 05/13/11 BC
Monoko 11/18/10 12/15/10 12/29/10 01/17/11 02/10/11 02/18/11 02/28/11 Winnipeg
Star1384 11/22/10 12/20/10 12/20/10 01/29/11 02/10/11 03/17/11 03/18/11 Mississauga
Miss_Ian 11/23/10 01/23/11 02/02/11 02/04/11 Toronto
Vhing15 11/25/10 12/29/10 01/10/11 01/20/11
Happilymarried11/25/10 12/28/10 01/18/11 01/26/11 02/06/11 02/15/11
Ceskat'sbf 11/??/10 01/26/11 01/28/11 02/17/11 02/18/11 Winnipeg
Simplytin 12/02/10 02/11/11 2/28/11 5/04/11 05/07/11 05/14/11 Ontario
Nice2010 12/01/10 01/06/11 01/18/11 02/10/11 2/28/11 Ontario
Aginaya 12/02/10 01/25/11 2/28/11 05/24/11 05/28/11 Vancouver
Tin1586 12/03/10 01/07/11 01/18/11 02/03/11 02/15/11 05/11/11 Edmonton
Kulilit 12/03/10 01/10/11 01/18/11 02/04/11 02/24/11 02/26/11 03/04/11 Winnipeg
Jessabel 12/05/10 01/13/11 01/31/11 05/09/11 05/13/11 05/22/11
Yumikofang 12/07/10 01/12/11 01/25/11 02/06/11
MrsJM 12/09/10 02/07/11 05/13/11 Toronto
Ssetmike 12/10/10 01/06/11 01/18/11 01/26/11 03/14/11 (waiting for re-med request) Alberta
Rovi'sHubby 12/10/10 01/13/11 01/26/11 02/10/11 02/14/11 06/02/11 Winnipeg
JumanJix 12/10/10 02/25/11 04/14/11 Manitoba
Leelovesjenny12/13/10 01/09/11 02/15/11 Toronto
Mcarmount 12/22/10 01/21/11 01/31/11 02/11/11 02/28/11 05/04/11 05/07/11
Eeyore 12/23/10 01/ /11 03/31/11 05/07/11 05/13/11 05/21/11 Mississauga
Shelleypher 01/05/11 02/05/11 02/16/11 02/17/11 2/25/11 05/07/11 05/13/11 Mississauga
IamfromCEU 01/06/11 01/25/11 02/05/11 02/21/11 2/21/11 03/03/11 05/01/11 05/10/11
Pinoy me 01/06/11 01/31/11 02/24/11 3/03/11 05/01/11 05/10/11 Quebec
Victoriaglendale01/10/11 01/26/11 02/01/11 02/10/11 2/14/11 02/24/11 05/09/11 05/19/11
Mrsh 01/17/11 02/08/11 02/15/11 03/03/11 3/28/11 05/16/11 05/19/11 Edmonton
Faithbe 02/15/11 02/23/11 03/??/11 ??/??/11 Ontario
Cynch05 01/18/11 02/08/11 02/21/11 03/01/11 3/03/11 05/04/11 05/13/11
Ariannecat 01/20/11 03/01/11 03/01/11 03/09/11 3/24/11 BC
Msidgz 01/21/11 03/09/11 3/23/11 Winnipeg
Bryave 01/21/11 02/17/11 03/02/11 03/18/11 3/22/11
January 01/26/11 02/28/11 03/18/11 3/28/11 Vancouver
KMAEP 01/31/11 02/28/11 2/28/11 06/28/11 Toronto
Micah101 02/11/11 02/28/11 04/29/11
Raniloc 02/16/11 03/16/11 04/11/11
Destino88 02/16/11 03/21/11 03/29/11
Dorisiana 02/28/11 04/04/11 05/06/11 05/06/11 Edmonton
Littlejai 03/01/11 05/05/11 05/06/11
Kjneo 03/08/11 04/19/11 Toronto
Halord 04/15/11 04/27/11 05/24/11
Arkangel 03/11/11 04/19/11 05/03/11 Quebec
Sideangel85 03/21/11 05/03/11 05/12/11 05/26/11 Toronto
Yehlsa 03/23/11 04/29/11 05/12/11 Saskatoon
Annie_Annie 04/04/11 05/10/11
Miga-quatchi04/05/11 05/07/11
Michi08 04/05/11 05/07/11
Albyna08 04/11/11 05/12/11
Che76 04/11/11 05/20/11 Ontario
Redtag 04/14/11 04/28/11 05/11/11 05/25/11
Mark1128 04/18/11 05/26/11 Winnipeg
Baboo_2008 04/18/11 05/27/11 Quebec
Blestcheche05/18/11 BC
Summary: Submit Visa Application --> CPC-Missasauga --> CEM --> Visa Received --> CFO Sticker --> Flight to Canada
Sponsored person is required to attend seminar A or B prior to issuance of CFO sticker. No Reservations Required. For more info visit http://www.cfo.gov.ph/. CFO sticker is issued at CFO Offices.
A. PDOS (Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar) when sponsor is a permanent resident of Canada; you need visa to attend; conducted at CFO offices:
A.1.Commission on Filipinos Overseas Manila
Citigold Center, 1345 Pres. Quirino Avenue
Cor. South Superhighway, Manila
Tel. (632) 561-8321 ext. 104, 105, 201-204, 300-304
E-mail: cfodfa @ info.com.ph; cfomieo @ info.com.ph
A.2.CFO Cebu Extension Office
Causing Lozada Bldg, Osmena Blvd,
cor MJ Cuenco Ave, Cebu City
Tel. (032) 255-5253
B. Guidance and Counselling Seminar- when you're a spouse, common law or conjugal partner of your Canadian citizen sponsor; can attend with or without the visa; conducted at any CFO service providers:
B.1.People's Reform Initiative for Social Mobilization (PRISM)
2nd Floor Equitable PCI Bank Bldg.
2422 Taft Avenue
Malate Manila
Tel. Nos.: (632) 525-3114,(632) 525-3783,(632) 525-4314
E-mail: prism_inc06 @ yahoo.com.ph
B.2.St. Mary Euphrasia Foundation - Center for Overseas Workers (SMEF-COW)
Good Shepherd Convent
1043 Aurora Boulevard
Quezon City
Tel. (632) 913-6439
E-mail: smef_cow @ yahoo.com.ph
Continuation of B: To renew or apply for passport at Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) certificate from Seminar B is required
To avoid delay of visa processing, make sure all fees were paid, and all documents were submited.
Additional documents usually requested by the embassy:
1. AOM (Advisory on Marriage) from NSO- different from Marriage Certificate; should be submitted at CPC-Missassauga together with other required documents at Country Specific Instructions-Philippines http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3905e.pdf
2. Divorce Petition- different from Divorce Certificate; usually requested from Filipino sponsors who are divorced based on experiences of posters in this forum. (For natural-born Canadian sponsors who are divorced, seems that they don't ask from you, but pls confirm at CEM)
3. Appendix A- or Additional Family Information; though submitted previously, they will still ask a copy; the letter usually comes with the AOR/PPR
4. Detailed statement of relationship with the EX- for sponsored person with a child from their ex. Sometimes you are required to submit: Ex's I.D, a notarized letter stating the ex allows the child to be sponsored, or other document asked by the visa officer.
To check application status (eCAS), download forms, guidelines and know more about Citizenship and Immigration Canada: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/e-services/index.asp
Inquiries at Canadian Embassy Manila is strictly from 8AM-10AM Monday to Thursday.
To submit PP or addt'l documents at Canadian Embassy Manila:
A. Drop-box inside CEM
B. Mail
Family Class Section
Immigration Section
Canadian Embassy, Manila
Level 6, Tower 2, RCBC Plaza
6819 Ayala Ave Makati City 1200 Philippines
To know the name of your MP: http://www.parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParliament/MainMPsCompleteList.aspx?Language=e
To contact DHL on your visa/passport delivery: (02)-8798888 loc 3 and (02)-8117000 (press 1)
mrsh said:sobrang tagal nga sakin kasi PPR from CEM pa to Canada (mailing address kasi sa rep namin). ;D
hi eeyore,eeyore said:@ mrsh
sa representative mo ba pinadala yung visa mo
@mrshmrsh said:hi eeyore,
waiting pa din ako k Mr DHL. pang 11th day na tom. Neighbor lang kami ng CEM. naku naligaw siguro siya.
sa Manila address po isesend sakin.
kelan po flight mo? at saan ka nakabili ng ticket?
sa akin din ipapadala di napo sa rep.eeyore said:@ mrsh
yung visa ko pinadala mismo ng cem sa akin hindi na sa representative...kaya nagtaka ako bigla na lang dumating expected ko kase sa canada pa dadaan heheh....july 9th flight namin sa expedia kami nakabili ng tickeT...ikaw bat tagal ata ng visa mo dumating
@mrshmrsh said:sa akin din ipapadala di napo sa rep.
oo nga pang 11 day na tom. usually 9days after DM narereceived diba....
expedia fan din po si hubby, kaya baka dyan din sya magbook o kaya sa agency na binibilhan nya lagi
ano pong airline ?eeyore said:@ mrsh
nagtry kase kami sa agency dito mas mahal pa kaya expedia na lang dun din bumibili lagi ng ticket asawa ko suki din heheh...oo baka bukas dumating na visa mo..buti kung jan na sau ipapadala agad
mrsh said:ano pong airline ?
ahh. thanks eeyore. goodnighteeyore said:ANA Via air canada.....bale japan ang stop over namin