Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my God!!!!!!!! I am in SHOCK, I don't even know what to think now or say or do I am
confused and SHOCKED about all of this. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
THANK YOU for your answer, hoooowww do you know all of this?!
I don't really understand how on Earth would I be allowed to stay for 2 years, the maximum is 6 month. I do know there is an option to extend my visit, but I must tell why do I want that and in case we cannot show up our sponsorship being in process there is no other reason I can show to CIC give me the extension. I assume I cannot say I am tricking the system and want to gather the two years to get my PR back, can I?
And I kind of faint if I just think back, that in April they could have easily find out that I have been a PR and they could've turn me back with the two years old twins after the 14 hours flight
For sure I don't dare to fly back again to ask for the 6 months stay because this case they will look deeper into my case and they won't let me in.

I am shy and I am VERY honest and faithful person, and I do understand that I "have the right" to visit and stay there for 6 months, but we know well, that a CBSA Officer has the right to turn me away and there is no way I could win. They either let me in or not. So this , with two 2,5 years old kids won't work
Husband cannot come to me, if he could I would have already told him to move here and live here with me. We would be very happy here in Hungary, this all immigration stuff and trying to deal with the system , this is painful and stressful and pretty annoying.
I would ask the VO Vienna for PRTD - which I highly doubt they would give, so I would have to ask for the H&C, BUT they just don't share the processing time at all........ there is only one I've found on the CIC webpage, H&C INSIDE Canada (which I know not my case) but tit shows 30-42 MONTHS............... so based on this, I don't think that it would be so much less outside. Even half of it would be TOO MUCH.
Okay I do not know what to do......
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
But anyways Thanks again Computergeek for your help it was VERY useful!