I had a few questions that Im hoping some of you wise folk could help me with.
My wife and I got married in Banff, Alberta on March 11th of this year (2012). She is Dutch and Im Canadian. We met 2 years ago in Vancouver and she has been to Canada 3 times to visit me since, the most recent time, she acquired a student visa and went to English school for 6 months in Calgary and lived with me (August 2011-January 2012).
In late March 2012 (after we got married), she returned to Holland to begin to work again, as she wanted to make some income and because she had completed her studies, she wanted to gain some experience/volunteering for her eventual goal of being a Nurse.
We have our marriage certificate, lots of photos, emails, and all the other required info that immigration will need to prove our relationship. That is not a worry. We are madly in love
Our plan is to begin the outland process in the next few weeks, to enable her to return as a PR and continue our life together in Canada but we had a few questions:
Can I sponsor her for immigration under the outland process but have her live with me in Canada with a work/student visa as the application is processed? We want to be together as soon as possible, and her flying home for an interview is not an issue. We are just wondering if there are any other issues with this (entering the country, getting a work/student visa, etc, if we are already married and they know there is an application in the works).
Does IC care if we go ahead with an outland application, but then she moves to Canada with a student/work visa (for as much time as possible during the PR process, for instance 9 of the next 12 months)
We dont want to go ahead with the inland process as its too long, and we dont like the financial burden of having her be an international student for 2 years in a Nursing program in Canada while we await that lengthy process(who can afford that anyway).
Basically Im reaching out to find out our best bet for us to be together as soon as possible and as long as possible in Canada while allowing her to be able to either work (work visa?) or go to school (student visa?) during the outland sponsor process period for PR.
Our other option is what we originally planned : we go ahead with the outland sponsorship and she does a year of Nursing in Holland (where they PAY you to go

and we get the medical done exactly one year prior to what would be her last exams next summer (June 2013)....so get all the immigration docs ready, get the med done in late June, she goes to school for a year in Holland, and HOPEFULLY get accepted in summer 2013, after completing her 1st year in Holland.
Any help or insight would be great appreciated.
We are close to confirming an immigration lawyer to ensure a smooth application but want to get all the info we can first.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help us out!!