Hi guys,
I got my originals returned to me in Canada today as well. The parcel included my husband's Birth certificate, Marriage certificate, all the original school/uni documents and all the pictures.The only thing I did not get back was the urdu naka nama. But I already have the original so that is fine.
So I am finally done with the waiting Game! I cannot believe it only took us 7 months in total
Here are some tips for everyone who is going to apply or is in process:
1) Pay all your fees upfront including
RPRF FEE..I did the mistake of not paying it upfront and I had to wait 2 weeks more. If you did not send it upfront you can still send it anytime through the process.
2) Send a
complete application and it is best if you do the whole wedding not Nikah only. I actually only had the Nikah done and no reception or honeymoon. But I explained in the questionnaire form that we have planned the reception in summer 2015 and I was married in December 2014. And I have seen that they do not consider a marriage without Rukhasti done. So even if you do Nikah only take pictures of you sitting in the car and going to the car. Basically Nikah is the main thing and even if you did not have Rukhasti you can tell them you did if you have all the pictures. That is what I did.
3) Be
patience and pray alot. Make dua and read dua al quraish 7 times after every prayer

Be positive about everything. Do not think that what if this happens or that.You have done your best with the application and “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear...” .Just keep this in mind and be happy. Move on with other things while you wait for the process

5) And lastly if anyone needs my help I would be happy to help anyone as I have gone through the whole process now.My email is
anam.1994 @ hotmail.com and you guys can email me at anytime and I will reply
This forum has been a great support for me for the past 5 months .Thank you everyone who has helped me.
And special thank you to Mercy who helps everyone and who always keeps the timeline updated a.
In sha allah all of you guys will get ppr soon