carolbb23 said:
You do acupuncture, I had a couple of foot and ankle surgeries after all those surgeries I have arthist,chronic pain and bad nerves,plus diabetes so I do contract work were I am working nights sometimes and Mr.carol does construction he makes good m9ney plus he's in a union so I take celebrix plus a nerve blocker at night to sleep plus diabetes pills I did pain management a long time ago
Pain management done in 2005.
I have chronic pain stemming from the nerve roots at the spinal cord in the cervical and thoracic spine, and osteoarthritis in the lumbar spine.
The thoracic I was told was published in a medical journal. A pain doc (now at Women's College Hospital) burns the nerves at the spinal cord every year. But I also go for cervical nerve blocks (that's the needles) every 2-3 weeks. Immediate relief that lasts about a month usually.
When I took Celebrex, I felt like I was having a stroke. Totally disoriented and a mega headache. Lyrica worked, but caused the dangerous side I was ordered to stop it immediately via the prescribing doctor, over the phone.
So, regular meds + Sensorcaine injected into my neck/shoulders == back to "normal" life
But, I digress.
18:21 o'clock, and still no DM. Probably not tonight folks. Did anyone else get CIC love today?