I called CIC a while ago to ask if they had received the police certificate they requested (same PCC request letter that many of us got). When I asked the agent if they had received my documents, he said said yes, and when I asked what the documents were, he said 'Schedule A'. I told him I didn't send a Schedule A and he said, 'well, I have it here'. I don't know what his screen looks like, but I assumed the PCC I sent checked whatever box they were looking for. I couldn't get any more out of him after that.browning911 said:NOTE: 2
Created date: 2016/06/02
Created by: DC01999
Updated date: 2016/06/02
Updated by:
Restricted: No
Label: General
Office: CPC Mississauga
****This is a Batch Note: A request letter or e-mail for a an updated schedule A and IMM5406 was sent on 2016/06/01. As the correspondence was sent via a BATCH E-MAIL and LETTER APP (BELA) there is no copy of the letter or e-mail attached to the application.
Couple days after that call, I got a CIC note saying that the documents had been received (and presumably satisfied their request).
Don't know if that is useful to you. Was there a separate note about the Police Certificate request?
Agree with profiler though, those are easy ones to redo and upload.