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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Hi normalnormal,

I am going to Marrakech on July 22nd until August 12th. Hopefully you will be in Canada by then! But let me ask you, if you receive the visa by the end of this month, when do you plan to travel? You said your medical expires in June but also that your wife is travelling to Marrakech on June 15th. Will she cancel her trip if you have the visa by then?

Your visa will have a date on it that says you MUST enter Canada by this date and it is usually the day when the medical expires. For example, if your medical expires on June 20th then you have to come to Canada BEFORE June 20th. Do you understand what I mean? The visa is not open to let you travel whenever you want. If you plan to travel after the medical expires, you need to let the embassy know this, tell them the reasons why and ask them what to do. They will probably tell you that you need to redo the medical. Some people on this forum and others have just made an appointment and done it (these people won their appeals) and then another person had to get a special form from the Embassy. The form you use for the medical is the same one that you used last year in the Region Specific Guide. Here is the link. You need to fill out the form for AFRICA and the medical instructions are on the last page. You would need to give the doctor your Dossier number that was given to you by the embassy on the letter you received from them. It starts with a "B". http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3912e.pdf You would also have to pay the fees again with are 1680 dirhams for everything and get pictures done again. You would have to send the paper that the doctor gives to you to the embassy and the doctor sends your results to the processing centre in Paris. When Paris reviews your results, they will send the information to the embassy in Rabat. It takes about 3 to 4 weeks after the medical for this to happen.

So, if you are planning to travel to Canada AFTER your medical expires, you NEED to call the embassy on Monday morning and ask them what to do in this case. This is very important. However, if you receive the visa and can travel before the medical expires, it is not a problem. I hope you understand what I am saying. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Star Member
May 22, 2009
did anyone knows about the interview? or how they do that questions anything ...please if any one knows something just let me know thank you .


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Hi bubbleboy. You should start reading this topic from page 1. There are lots of people who have described their interviews over the past two years. It could be really helpful to you.


Full Member
May 17, 2009
thank you rjessome
yes i do understand you and realy i need this help ,if i receive the visa by the end of this month i will travel the next day ,but my wife said that for sure they will call me for a new medical and that we will wait again a month that is why she want come in june 15 because she pay the ticket right now and if they call me then she will wait for me ,
so i think i will do the new medical next week ,
i will do what you said to me i think i need 2 day because rabat it s far from me
you are so sweet and you do all what you can to help me thank you again
i will wait untel monday and call the doctor for an apointemant
have a good time god with you and bless you ,stay saf
and good luck to everyone and inchala all will have good news


Star Member
May 22, 2009
hello normalnormal
i think you and i we live near cause i also need 2 days for rabat it's a long distance. but we have no choice we will not give up we should be pation .

rjessome you are a gret person because i was reading on some pages then i see how you help people and thats great really . god bless you woman . i hope you will enjoy your next trip here with your huband.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Shokran bezzaf to both of you! You are very kind.

I speak some Moroccan Arabic - just shwiya shwiya! I wish I could speak more.

Normalnormal - MAKE SURE you call the embassy and let them know what you are doing. The VISA is a stamp on your passport that they make electronically and is entered into the system. Explain to them that you are not sure when the visa will be issued and that your wife has decided to come again to visit you in Morocco and that you want to travel back to Canada with her which is after your original medical will expire so you are doing a new medical now. You see, they might be making the visa NOW and will NOT know about your new medical until they receive the results from Paris. That could take 3 weeks after you complete the medical. So tell them your plan because they might have special instructions for you. I just want you to be careful so you don't create any problems for yourself. If you tell them what you are doing (you could also email them or fax them) then they will put a note on your file to WAIT until the new medical results are received and issue your visa at that time. However, if I understand what you wrote correctly, if you get the visa by the end of THIS month, you will travel to Canada immediately. So your medical expires June 1st? The other thing you could ask them to do is see if they are willing to extend your medical by 30 days to the end of June. Sometimes they will do this. Then you can travel back to Canada with your wife. Just call them FIRST THING IN THE MORNING, at 8 or 8:30 am and see what they say. Best of luck and please post here to let us know what happens. Inchallah, everything will be fine.
Allah yassar!


well tks lot to answering me so my wife from manitoba my question's where did she send the paper's work tks for help


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Here is the mailing address:

Case Processing Centre – Mississauga
P.O. Box 3000, Station A
Mississauga, Ontario L5A 4N6

If your wife wants to send the papers by courier, here is the address:

Case Processing Centre - Mississauga
2 Robert Speck Parkway Suite 1200
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1H8

I STRONGLY recommend she use a courier so she can track the package and know when it is received at CIC Mississauga.

Good luck.


Star Member
May 22, 2009
asalamo a3likome
well guys do you know what's new in rabat : they refuse those people who are married without proof befor the marriage and also if there's a diffrent age ....relationship and love deson't know age or distance or who you are or what you have ..... don't forget about our prophet in islam (sala alaho a3lihi waslam) his wife was old than him and since he marry her she gets more bless from god ....so guys be strong and don't let rabat or anyone stop you from what are you doing .try always to say what you have inside your heart not what your mind telling you .


Full Member
May 17, 2009
hello rjessome
Shokran bezzaf to you too ! You are soo sweet .

your arabic are good and inchalah when your husband with you he will leet yu know all im sure yo will speak good , my wife too right now she speak with my family in arabic im happy for that ,
about the embassy i will call them tomorow again because they didnt answer me today ,i wont tell them that my wife coming again beacse they wont accepte that for me ,because she will come just if they want me t do a new medical then she will be here by 15 of the next month ,
i will sent them email if they didnt answer me tomorow i will ask them why stil no call ,,,,
my medical expires in 4 of june im not sure but that what i think,,,if any new i will leet yu know ,when you sent the paper in ?i hope your husband intervew soon very soon inchalah .thank you to much again for your help ,your arabic very good
good luck to everyone



Star Member
May 22, 2009
i really hope everything will be fine for you and your wife just relax and keep praying . my heart are with you guys .


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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bubbleboy - Don't let the negative situations get you down. You need to think positive. And prepare yourself well for anything that can be asked of you. You and your wife need to continue to gather and save proof of your relationship. Be confident and you will be fine.

normalnormal - Anything new on the medical? I'm sorry Rabat is taking so long to let you know about your visa. I hope you hear something soon.

I've come to learn that Rabat is a difficult embassy to deal with when it comes to spousal sponsorship. They seem to suspect people more when there are age differences because although you are right, there is significant history in Islam, the CULTURAL norm is more what they look at. I am older than my husband too so we know it will be an issue for us as well. And we both know it is not normal for a man to marry a woman who is older than him in Morocco. It happens but it is rare. That's just a fact for us. We believe we are lucky because I don't "look" older than him but you never know how they will view it. The key is to be prepared I think. We believe that we have to know what our weaknesses are and be ready for them to question him on this.

The other thing we have to recognize is that lots of people in Morocco look at a relationship with a tourist as a way OUT and on to a better future. Believe me, I love Morocco and it's people but I have spent enough time in Jemma el Fna and have enough Moroccan friends to know what happens. Unfortunately, one of my best friends went through an experience where she was used just for money. Luckily she didn't marry him as he was a very bad man but these things happen. Now I'm certainly not saying this is the truth in every case. In fact, I believe it is more RARE but we often hear lots about the bad things and very little about the good things. You don't see many of the old members who are living happily with their spouses coming back to forums like this to report how happy they are. However, if someone gets burned or hurt they will scream very LOUDLY so everyone can hear them. And of course this doesn't just happen in Morocco. It happens all over the world but this thread is just for Morocco and it's the only country where I have any experience. Believe me, both my husband and I get angry when I am walking with him and we will hear comments like he is "walking with his papers" or that I am his "hamza". I might not speak a lot of darija but I understand A LOT. Even my husband admits that there is a belief among many people, not all, that life is better "outside" and that it will be easy. But we all know that it's not. Life is difficult everywhere. Believe me, the embassy knows this stuff too. So the solution is to be honest, love each other, work on your marriage all the time no matter where you are, and be able to prove it. Hopefully that's enough.

normalnormal, would you mind sharing some of the questions you were asked during your interview? It would be a great help to learn about your experience at the embassy.