Oh geez! Don't quit. Go see the principal and tell him that you don't appreciate that person's insensitive comments about your personal life and ask him if his wife was giving birth would it be ok if he was called at work! Both are life changing events that supercede everything else. Family is more important than work and your husband is family, bottom line. This phone call was a life-changing event (like having a baby) that affects your WHOLE life and they should be able to see it that way. Also, DEMAND an apology from the librarian.
You need to toughen up now. A thick skin is required for what lies ahead. Do NOT quit over this. Don't give that insensitive person the satisfaction.
Lois and ddobro2, what the heck are you two fighting over? ddobro2 has always seemed to be supportive from what I've read. Lois, you know as well as I do that the money question was a valid one. We both know that marriage fraud is an issue with Moroccan men and European and North American women. Any Google search will tell you that so why jump all over that point? Any average person would ask the same thing about the money. That doesn't make them insensitive. And I thought Habibti explained her situation well. I mean at the end of the day, it's her money and she can do what she wants with it, including spend it on her husband, her mother, her child, her dog, Elvis memorabilia, whatever. I could tell you stories that would make your hair curl about what some Moroccan men have done to scam women for money. For example, this one guy I know of bandaged up his little brother and posed him in a wheel chair, took a picture and sent it to an Italian woman he had met in Morocco while she was on vacation. He told her his brother was very sick and needed money for medicine. I don't know whether or not she ever sent him any money though. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
There's a whole culture of "hunters" in Morocco that target tourists for sex and money. You know that nice Moroccan boy who helped you navigate the shops in the souqs while you were vacationing? He got a kickback from the shop owner. Common practice. My husband and I used to do that. We'd go into the shops, he'd speak in Arabic and tell the owner that I was a tourist, I would haggle as best I could and buy what I wanted, we'd leave and then he'd head back to get the money. We made a game out if it. Saved us a bunch of money.

We'd do it with restaurants too because some would pay a kickback to the Moroccan for bringing tourists. Those were the good old days. I miss Morocco.