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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Hero Member
Aug 30, 2009
Gabriella said:
Hello my friends, how are you all doing?
I have a question to ask, i hope i am not bothering any one.
Can you tell me where i can find the application form to fill out for sponsoring my fiance?
Which website should i go on?
Wishing all my friends a great weekend and take care.
God Bless you all.
Sincerely Gabriella ;D
gabriella,your inbox is full,i tried to send you a reply as a private message and i couldnt because your inbox is full,,try to delete some of the messages you have in,,,
have a nice day dear friend


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Hey guys! How are you all doing? Been away for awhile but hope everyone is doing well.

It's been an adventure in patience for hubby and I since he landed in Canada. I must tell you all that the cultural differences have been the hardest things to overcome. I'm a independent Canadian woman and he's a traditional Moroccan man and we CLASH at times because of this.

Advice to all of those coming to Canada from Morocco is to LEARN the culture in Canada. There will be thing you will NOT like and that's ok but you must learn to accept them and learn how to live with them. And there will be things you love about Canada too! Be patient and LISTEN to each other. My husband and I are working hard to find OUR way, not a right way or wrong way to do things.

Anyway, wish you all luck and I'll be around again so if anyone needs any help, please let me know.


May 18, 2010
Job Offer........
I heard online that when the medical expires is when the visa expires. We can't have them saying to us here is the visa now you have 2 weeks to get to Canada! Should we re-do medical or how does that work??? Thanks so much.



Star Member
Nov 4, 2009
hello brothers and sisters
to kimbond what u said is a true my medical was expires and i went to the embassy and they gived me a green paper like the fist one and i re-do my medical lol
and i have been waiting their call
to rjessome how r u bad ur husband i hope everythings oky with you i sent u email i dont remember the date well am just what say if u have anyinformation about how long when you re-do the medical have nice time and god bless you


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi Kim,

When does your husband's medical expire? You don't need to wait to get the form from the embassy. You can use the same form in the Region Specific Guide. Make an appointment with a DMP and go. Mail or take the completed form to the embassy.

They can and WILL give you time limits to travel. Medicals are good for one year. And yes, the visa expiration is the same as the medical expiration. If you think that it could be cutting it too close, then nip it in the bud and do it now. Give yourself some breathing room.

I don't know exactly how long it takes after you redo the medical but it seems to be around 4 to 6 weeks. Hope that helps.


Full Member
Jul 23, 2009
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Hi All,

KimBond: I would like to wish you and your husband the best of luck. God willing, I hope everything works out and I guess you will probably be finding out very shortly.

The medical - no doubt about it - have your husband do it asap. Here is the link to the form:

Part 3: Information guides specific to geographic regions - Africa (Form IMM 3912). Just fill out page 9 (which should say Appendix C) and take it to the DMP

Now for my question:

I will be going down to Morocco near the end of July (my 5th trip in under 2 years) so I am hoping that will count for something when it comes to assessing if my relationship is genuine or not.

I have travel docs, pics etc from my last two trips that I would like to hand over to beef up my file. Rather than courier it, I prefer to hand it over to the embassy in person when I go down in July. I just wanted to find out if (a) they will accept the package in person and (b) are there specific days that I need to go and hand over the package in the event that do allow personal deliveries?. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated

Thank You



VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
The guard at the gate will accept hand deliveries, just like sending a courier. But if you are asking if they will let you walk in and give it to a visa officer, that's a big NO. I would have a courier do it because then you have a third party delivery slip with verification of delivery. As far as when deliveries are accepted, anytime during normal business hours as the gate is "manned" then.

Seriously, I would use a courier. They don't like people dropping stuff off. They changed their practice for other temporary visa types about 2 years ago and will no longer accept dropped off applications. The guard could refuse you if he doesn't know the difference between the application types. Don't take the chance of travelling all the way to Rabat only to get the door slammed in your face. There are plenty of good courier services in Morocco you can use.


Star Member
Nov 4, 2009
hello brothers and sisters i have been waiting their call i redo -my medical more then 20 days and stil no news god help us and good luk to every one here


Full Member
Jul 23, 2009
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
rjessome said:
The guard at the gate will accept hand deliveries, just like sending a courier. But if you are asking if they will let you walk in and give it to a visa officer, that's a big NO. I would have a courier do it because then you have a third party delivery slip with verification of delivery. As far as when deliveries are accepted, anytime during normal business hours as the gate is "manned" then.

Seriously, I would use a courier. They don't like people dropping stuff off. They changed their practice for other temporary visa types about 2 years ago and will no longer accept dropped off applications. The guard could refuse you if he doesn't know the difference between the application types. Don't take the chance of travelling all the way to Rabat only to get the door slammed in your face. There are plenty of good courier services in Morocco you can use.
Thanks RJessome. I think that will be the route I will take - i.e. using a courier. Especially considerig the fact that there are always stories of "we never got anything" or "are you sure you delivered it here", can't be too careful these days.


Star Member
Jan 5, 2010
Job Offer........
Yeah we been waiting since MARCH 12/2010, we did the medicals then so thats more then 2 months! Thats just crazy! My MP called as well gave us a date of may 18th, still nothing its now end of the month they did not call. 13 Months we been waiting. 13 months!!!! I just wanna swear up and down a long road! Pure torture for us! But good things happen to those who wait (so they say) So i'll just be patient some more and more and more. What can I do? Nothing ...all I can do is wait! Wait by the phone, expect my husband to call me for the good news.. INCHALLAH!!!!!!!!I LOVE MY HUSBAND AND MISS HIM SO MUCH! And if the embassy gonna make us wait another year I will wait Im not giving up! This is the most frustrating thing ever!:mad::mad::mad: Sign NATIVE


Star Member
Jan 5, 2010
Job Offer........
Forgot to say, were waiting for the MP to call us tomorrow because I called them again, and Im gonna keep calling! No matter what Sign NATIVE