hello true love.that's true that its taks more and from 8 to 10 months as they said in website we just wish that they hurry the process because we are married people and in the humain law the couples (husband & wive) must be together wich mean that they must makes that by consideration but its ok wer have to resist and wait like our friends who applied before us..belive me my friends we are together me and my wife 5 years but we just got married in march and right here we are waiting and that cause me and my wife a big kind of stress but god the greatest is with us..so right now u can imagine what kind of suffrence we are living...true love,i have a question for u ...where are u living in morocco ? because if u are close to me it will be great so we can know each others and meet in real ...and how many times u are waiting till now,true-love said:hello every body god help us and stil strong
to newhusband they said 6 or 7 months in the letter but not more then 10 months u can looking in the wedsait ( check in how long take my prosses) u will know just be strong like everyones here
hello everybody and for my friend true love thank u again..and for rjessome too adn good luck for everybody else...i just wanna let everyone here know that i have a big passion because me and my wife we know each other for 5 years and we just got married in march after 2 visits ..so right now u can imagine why we are both suffering..and it cause us a big stress and it cause sickness too..so i appreciate that if i was asking a lot that's because im under a big stress and u know good what mean to be far than the person u love...my friend true love i just have a question ..how long are u waiting, and where are u living in morocco because if u are close to me we can meet in real and see each otehr with that we can get informations and support each others,true-love said:hello every body god help us and stil strong
to newhusband they said 6 or 7 months in the letter but not more then 10 months u can looking in the wedsait ( check in how long take my prosses) u will know just be strong like everyones here
thank u for ur advice that's true we have to live our days and forget about the timetrue-love said:i have been waiting 5 months i live in rebat i want say something dont think about the times it gone faster live ur life and talk with ur wife and stay strong god give us our loves he care of us too one day we can hear the good news
Faicals Girl said:Agdir.... WOW.. I am so excited for you and your husband. I pray all will be good for you both and that the time you have to wait now will seem like nothing!
Insha allah we will hear from immigration some time soon. I agree.. it is long and hard and I am too emotional sometimes. Hamdulah I get to go back in jan on the 18 until the end of Feb. Any hints if I want to stop in at immigration and bring more 'proof' of our relationship? I just want to give them all that can help them see our life together.. and how being apart is hard for both of us.
Good luck to you all that are still in this waiting process and to you that have succeeded...congratulations and thanks for giving the rest of us hope that the end will be here!!
HUGS and if I do not get here before.. Merry Christmas to all!
hello AMIR 00 ?I HOPE U GET A CALL ASP...WELL IM FROM SAFI AND I KNOW THE CITY WHERE U ARE LIVING ..AND U ARE SO CLOSE TO ME ....ANYHOW I WISH U A VERY GOOD LUCK AND A CALL ASPAmir00 said:agadir08alhmdulilah ur husband got visa im happy for u.
newhusband / true-love i see u just in first way.... i wait now 8 months 18 days go about my file in Rebat some ppl with me in same month March get visa but im still wait. i live in city between Marakckand Safi (Y) everyone must be calm and strong and insha allah everythingwill be fine.but to be far from ur wife its bbbbad. i hope to hear thing sooon...newhusband u fom where in morocco?
hello AMIR00 i really would love to give u my msn but i really don't have msn but i do have yahoo..i have a hotmail but its only for personal courrier and mails for work and professional stuffs and it's not a messenger that we can use to chat or send IM conversations..but i would love to share cell phone numbers ...what do u think?Amir00 said:its nicenewhusband u in Safi send me ur msn to my box so we can talk on msn ok.