well,well ,well....my friend true love ,i readed that they are processing files recieved in march and april ,and i got it from Rjessome that's what she heard in frensh forum..plus u dont have to worry because u gonna get it inchallah they just start to work after new year and it's the begining of the year so be happy and no spesimest thinking or thoughts anyway have a great time and thank's to AMIR and welcome NATIVE ,true-love said:hello everybody well tks lot to newhusband am thankful u know some times its hard to live far from ur wife ( true love) it was why i said it and tks again and i want say to amir00 i think its time to hear a good news inchala big wishes to every one here
newhusband where's the forum can u send us the websait please tks lot for ur help