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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Thank you rjessome. I think you are right I read it somewhere in the manual but I have to go back and read through it again,
Actually my husband live in Lebanon so I'm assuming the interview will take place there or Damascus not sure yet..
Thank you everyone for your support and good luck!


Star Member
Aug 30, 2008
My husband requested a translator at his interview in Amman. He speaks very good english but figured since they offered him one he would accept just in case the IO asked him something he didn't understand. What a huge mistake that was. One of the things the IO noted in our CAIPS was that he didn't think we could commuincate because my husband did not speak english (BS) and that I do not speak Arabic. The translator also was very bad and did not translate many of the things my husband said correctly. He actually corrected her seveal times, so I'm not sure how the IO could say he does not speak english...
I guess what I am trying to say is if your spouse doesn't really really need a translator I think its best for them not to request one.

just my 2 cents.


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
How an IO determined you didn't speak very well Arabic Were you present at the time of his interview.
Also did the embassy provided your husband with the interpeter or brought your own one & did you have to pay for it.
My husband speak the basic but i don't want him to go through it in English because when they speak fast I'm sure he will have some kind of difficult and the fact that i had mentioned in the application if they request for him an interview to be done in Arabic. I'm sorry it didn't go well with your husband but perhaps it was a bad officer and I hope you appealed your decision.
Good luck!!!


Star Member
Aug 30, 2008
I'm not sure/can't remember how the IO would know if I spoke Arabic or not. Was there something in the paperwork about languages you can speak? Or maybe he asked my husband if I spoke Arabic... Really I just can't remember.
I wasn't at my husband's interview and I have been kicking myself everyday since for not being there. I waited by the phone all night expecting to gat a call but they didn't call me. I don't know if it would have helped any if I was there but at least I wouldn't be thinking what if.
The Embassy provided the translator and I am pretty sure there was no charge, not that she did any good for him or our case. Sorry sour grapes.
The IO there has a reputation of being not so good. It is really sad when people who work there warn you about him on the street. We are currently appealing the decision and are waiting to hear if we will get a hearing or will have to go thru court.


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
In the application I forget where it does ask what languages you communicate in. I would say if you speak different language than your husband it would be best not to have a translator because they do make assumptions that you will have a hard time communicating with your partner. But if you say both speak arabic naturally so I would say having an interpretor isn't a big deal. As you both communicate in the same language.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2008
Marlena, when you get the interview letter from the Damascus Embassy, it tells you that you can have the interview in english or french and if you need a translator an Arabic or Farsi speaking interpreter will be provided to you by the Embassy (no charge). If you speak another language, ie. Kurdish, Armenian, or Turkish(azeri) etc... then you need to get your own translator.


Hero Member
Feb 11, 2009
Job Offer........
Azadi, it is nice having you on this forum, you have lot of info...
a question has come to my head now, when they provide the applicant a translator, does this translator has the authority to share his own opinion about the applicant with the IO...don't recall where I read, this forum or other one, that a translator while translating for an applicant, he stoped translating and started talking with the IO and sharing his own opinion.


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Thank you all for the information. Boncuk if my I have a good memory I remember when I was filling out my husband application with him there was on the first or second page of PR part you had to indicate if you want the letter or mail to be sent in English or French and underneath they asked if the applicant speaks English or French and you had to choose between basic or intermediate as well in writing also if there was a question about if there is an interview and it had the choice English French or other and I had to put Arabic.
Azadi did you go through an interview???


Hero Member
Nov 15, 2008
IMM5490 26b How often and in what language.
They ARE asking in what language you and your spouse communicate in.. not just for the interview or application purposes.


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
Yes Boncuk you are right and also at the begininnig of the form as well they asking the same except the added I believe interview. I'll check the form.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
This is important information for everyone. So sorry about your experience mingus. :(

So bottom line seems to be, if the sponsor and applicant communicate in English or French, DO the interview in that language! If you communicate in another language, use an interpreter ONLY if the applicant doesn't speak sufficient English or French.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2008
Thanks rorita76, I've been dealing with Damascus for 15 months so I've unwittingly become familiar with their procedures.

Marlena, I live in Canada I'm sponsoring my husband from (northern) Iraq. He had his interview at the end of March. I wrote about that experience (and a lot more) at the Damascus thread in the other forum.

rjessome, good way to summarize the conclusion. It is a very nice "ratio" :)


Star Member
May 22, 2009
hello guys !!!
this's about the ineterview well as you communicate with your wife or your husband in english or frensh you should use the same lungauge as you communicate with the one who sponsoring you cause the officer needs to know how you can communicate with your wife or your husband so if somone wants to use the translateur so what that deos mean for them nothing you will get refused because they would say your relationship is not real.

rejessome don't let your husband use a tranlateur tell him not to worry cause he should talk as he did with you that's why they ask for chat records so pay your attention here as well
take care


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
LOL azadi! I'm thinking for a second, "does she know me?" Then read your profile on the other site and now I get it! So thanks for the compliment! I'm studying to become one of those dreaded "consultants"! LOL! Don't know that I'll do family class stuff though! After my own, I don't know if my emotions could handle it! LOL You're gonna hear something anyday now! Good luck!

Don't worry bubbleboy. We won't use the translator. It was just something I thought about before but we feel it's better for him to do the interview in English. Take care and have a great weekend.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2008
I just remembered from another thread you mentioning that you are reading up on immigration cases for your classwork and deduced that you're studying something law related :)

If more of those consultants were like you, and were actually in touch with and knowledgeable about the process, they wouldn't have a dreaded reputation. Although, for some unexplainable reason lawyers' reputations aren't much better :p

Good luck :)