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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Full Member
Apr 13, 2009
thank You

i will axplic to you when she came she was separed from her ex husband 1 year and 1 month she came here she was living with me waiting for her dicorce cerificate and in the islam she can't live with me with our married we married by islamic way just say the words and someone be there it's ok we married before her divorce by 2 month and when we recived her divorce cerificate we star to do all steps for have act mariege but we must to go to juge and he write the date when we married by islamic way because she is pregnent that way

we get all the juge to he didn't see that and we are too . so when she go back to canada after 7 month because she stayed with me here 7 month she star to sponsoring me by lawyer and he told her your mariege is not illegal in canada you must to go to morroco and divorce and re-married again that not shose is the only way for you .

and she will come and will do that it need 2 month for all steps. i hope if i you understand all now

but my question did our new mariege will accpeted by CIc and the lawyer he told her i will explani to you all

Thank You so much


Star Member
Aug 26, 2008

Ok I think I understand, you are not LEGALLY married, you are only married by islamic traditional marriage?

I suggest you read carefully what rjesomme wrote because CIC does not accept this, you must be legally married in Morocco. Now that she has a divorce you can go through the process of getting a proper marriage certificate in Morocco. She must go to the embassy in Rabat, you need to contact an Adul and get a list of what is required and go through the process. The lawyer who adviced you is correct. She needs to return and get married through the Moroccan system properly and yes it goes through an Adul, a judge, ministery of Foreign affairs etc...., it does take time but is not impossible.

It will take from 2-4 weeks depending on where you live and how often you need to return to Rabat to gather all the documents.

Good luck


Star Member
Dec 10, 2007
salamo alaykom

It's been awhile since i have been on here..I am really happy for those that have received their visas are pregnant and i want best wishes to those that have their appeal date already.

I could share that Jamal and I had our baby girl May 9th of this year ....we are waiting for our ADR for July 15th. I am preparing all the things we could possibily use to prove to cic that our relationship is real, more so now with the birth of Yasmine.

I have a question for you ladies that have given birth already. Did CIC Rabat as you for the Situacion Civil?? at the time they are giving your partners their visas??? Jamal is under the impression that we need to register Yasmine first before he gets his visa...and i have a problem with providing him my original birth certificate which i do not have..i only have a certified copy and they are asking him for the ORIGINAL..

what could you share in regards to this???

other than that..we are ok..given this long distance relationship has been a bit hard with the fact that being pregnant i couldn't travel back to see him. Also i do not want to travel with Yasmine so small. I want her to have all her needles before i go anywhere..so maybe by JAN 2010??? also i would have to find the money to go down and see all my family there...it would be for three tickets now, not just for me and my first daughter...so it can get a little costly with not working too...

Have a wonderful day all and remember to keep being patient ...as all good things come to those who wait.



VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Samy12, was your wife married to a Canadian? If she was married to someone from another country did she sponsor him to come to Canada? If she married someone from another country and was married IN that country, she better make sure her divorce is legal as well. And if she sponsored him to come to Canada and he was given the visa and permanent residence to Canada, she is not allowed to sponsor another spouse until her contract with the Canadian government has ended which is 3 years from the date he arrived in Canada. I don't know if this is your situation but just wanted to let you know these things. BettyPage is right about everything. Assuming her divorce is legal, then you need to follow the steps for marriage to a Canadian in Morocco.

indimer04, congratulations on your baby girl! I hope you are feeling well. And good luck on your ADR in July. I don't know about registering your daughter in Morocco so I hope someone with some experience gives you the answers. You might want to check out the website for the Moroccan Consulate in Montreal to see what they say about registering the birth. I've seen some stuff on there about children but can't remember what it says. Just focus on winning your ADR first and worry about the travel later. One ticket to bring him here from Morocco is much cheaper than 3 for a visit! Best of luck.


Full Member
Apr 13, 2009
i think you didn't understand ok i will explian to you

she came 7 september 2008 and we was like chum and blond ok she divorced 17 october 2008 then after one month in ottawa
we recived her devorce from canada in the 15- 12 -2008 then we started to process of getting a proper marriage certificate in Morocco
and we went to embassy in Rabat we ger certificate of nationality and all and but the law here in morocco it say you can't marry her in the same date you must to do the first day when you getting pregnent it was 23 september 2008 then we say them for make us married but we didn't see that her devorce it was in the 17 october 2008 then we married before her devorce come ok judge also they didn't see that too then we give us to marreid we went to adul we get certificate of mariege good that all but the problme when she back to canada she star to full aplication with lawyer but the lawyer see that he told us that is not good they wil refuse your aplication she said him what we can do he said her you must to go to morocco and devorce and remarried again ok we will do that and will married again .

but my question did the CIC will accpet our aplication for sponsoring me and the lawyer he will explain to them all the in palication

with all that she stayed with here in morocco 7 months and our weeding it was 1 mars 2009

i think i explain all i hope to find a good answer pls help us i need advice


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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We don't understand because you are NOT explaining yourself well! This is the first time you have said that you had a wedding in March 09! So you have done what the lawyer said already? You have gotten a divorce and remarried in Morocco in March 09? Then YES, CIC will accept this as a legal marriage. BUT only if I understand you correctly, that her divorce was final in October 2008 and you got remarried, IN THE PROPER WAY, in March of 2009. If that is the case, the new marriage is now legal. BUT, although it might be Islamic law that you are married on the day she became pregnant, that is NOT good enough for Canadian law and for immigration.

But you are NOT making sense in your posts. I understand that English is not your first language so maybe it would be a good idea to have your wife come on here and explain everything because while everybody is trying to help you, the information you are giving is very confusing!

So, the bottom line is the marriage is ONLY LEGAL if you got married AFTER her divorce. If that did not happen, then you need to divorce and remarry in Morocco. Then YES, the NEW marriage will be legal and it will be accepted by CIC.


Star Member
Aug 26, 2008
AH OK!!!!!!

Why didn't you say that from the beginning? So you married again legally in March 09. Then your wife can file the paperwork and you would put the day you were married as March and not the previous one because your marriage became legal in March 2009 regardless.
Interesting that you were able to have the previous marriage without her divorce paper, I am shocked that a Moroccan judge didn't catch that. If he had they would have refused to marry you until she was divorced.

CIC will accept this March marriage. Good luck with the application.


Full Member
Apr 13, 2009
i think you didn't understand ok i will explian to you

she came 7 september 2008 she was living with mygirl friend and i'm her boyfriend she divorced from her ex husband in the 17 october 2008
we recived her devorce from canada in the 15- 12 -2008 then we started to process of getting a proper marriage certificate in Morocco
and we went to embassy in Rabat we ger certificate of nationality and all and but the law here in morocco it say you can't marry her in because she is pregnent you must to write in certificate of meriege you married in the 23 september 2008 but she get her certificate of divorce 17 october 2009 it mean we married before she get divorced we didn't Attention that her divorce it was in the 17 october 2008 ok judge also they didn't Attention that too then we give us to marreid we went to adul we get certificate of mariege good that all but the problme when she back to canada she star to full aplication for sponsoring me by lawyer but the lawyer see that he told us that is mariege illegal they will refuse your aplication she said him what we can do he said her you must to go to morocco and divorce and re-married again ok we will do that and will married again .

but my question did the CIC will accpet our aplication for sponsoring me if we correct that and get a new mariege and the lawyer he will explain to them all the in palication.

thank you again i hope if you understand now sorry for my bad english


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Yes, if you do what your lawyer says and get remarried, Immigration will accept it as a legal marriage and she can apply to sponsor you.

It's ok about your English but you might be able to get better information if your wife was explaining things.


Full Member
Apr 13, 2009
hello rjessome

yes she was married in canada but she didn't sponsoring him he met him in canada and she married with him from 2002 to 2007 her speration then she asked divorce after one year of separation then she apply her dicorce 30 - 7 - 2008 and she come here 9-9-2008 and she get her divorce in the 17-10-2008 her divorce is legal in canada

the law in morocco they don't accept mariege normal when the wife pregnent it must to write that in certificate mariege it's ok now we will fix our problem as soon as possible she will come in the 14 aout 2009 with my beautiful son inchaAllah

but did CIC will accpet our aplication for have PR when we apply with new mariege because we didn't apply yet we waiting for fix that

Thank you


Star Member
May 22, 2009
listen to me brother you really need a lawyer and also need to talk with that ADUL who gives that marriage certaficate cause you have one thing here about what are you telling us :
1 : how she gets her divorce
2: the judje he follows the translator sworn
3: translator sworn he would be in a trouble which if he makes something else on translation
4:you also will be in a trouble with the court cause they will invistaget you about why you didn't tell them that
5: i really your case is so dificulte as rejessome said .you should get your wife to type for us or we need her to explain us how that's happen so far
6: watch what are you saying cause if you get back to what you was spelling up ( she was living with my girl friend and i m her boy friend))) so what is that ?????
relax and try to explain about your case better then you will find someone who will showed you what to do ok
have a good day


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Ok, if I understand you correctly, you are going to apply after you get married again. Then your marriage will be legal as far as CIC is concerned. As long as your wife meets the other requirements of sponsorship. Her lawyer would have told her about these. But YES, then your marriage will be legal and your wife can apply.

Once she is approved as a SPONSOR then your file will be sent to the embassy in Rabat where it will be reviewed by a Visa Officer. I gave someone else a detailed answer about what happens next on the previous page of this thread. There is no GUARANTEE you will be approved as a permanent resident. The visa officer will decide this after they review your file and possibly interview you. So nobody here can tell you whether you will be approved and given a visa or not.

Follow the lawyer's advice. It sounds like he has already told you and your wife what you must do. But if you are looking for a guarantee of approval to receive the visa and permanent residence, I'm sorry but none of us have that answer.


Full Member
Apr 13, 2009
listen to me brother you really need a lawyer and also need to talk with that ADUL who gives that marriage certaficate cause you have one thing here about what are you telling us :
1 : how she gets her divorce
2: the judje he follows the translator sworn
3: translator sworn he would be in a trouble which if he makes something else on translation
4:you also will be in a trouble with the court cause they will invistaget you about why you didn't tell them that
5: i really your case is so dificulte as rejessome said .you should get your wife to type for us or we need her to explain us how that's happen so far
6: watch what are you saying cause if you get back to what you was spelling up ( she was living with my girl friend and i m her boy friend))) so what is that ?????
relax and try to explain about your case better then you will find someone who will showed you what to do ok
have a good day


thank you for Your reply

sorry just i'm worried ok listen

: how she gets her divorce he gets her dicorve by judge of canada her diveorce is legal is no problem
she was live with me ok she get pregnent in the first weeks of our meeting so for but when she was waiting her divorce certificate come from ottawa for be accepted here.
when we recived her certificate of divorce from canada she started to do all steps like papers certificate of nationality and all the documents so when we go to judge he said us you can't married because she is pregnent but if you want to married you need court and in your certificate of mariege for you and her they will write that you are married in the first day when she get pregnent we did we married
but in canada they don't accept that because we see that we married before recive her divorce then we will divorced me and her for re-married again then our mariege will be legal in canada
but my question is did our aplication will work out .

and we have good
she stayed with me 7month in morocco
we keep contact everyday
she will come to visit me
i love her she love me
we will see our first bebe inchaAllah maybe next week
i know all about her and she is too
she send me money even i don't need but we do just for our application and prouve
she sent me gifts
and i sent her too and letters

thank you so much


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Then it looks like as soon as you get married again, you will have everything you need to apply. And if I were you, I would keep that lawyer because you are going to need help explaining all of this to CIC.

Really Samy12, we all wish you the best of luck. We all know how difficult it is to be separated from people we love. But we have to warn you that you and your wife made many mistakes so far so be careful now and make sure you do everything right. This will lead to many questions from CIC when they get your file. Good luck.


Star Member
May 22, 2009
you are a lucky man when the judje he knows that she's pregnant befor her divorce because that against law especialy in our relegion secondly thank god that they deosn't put you under rest about that.
my advice to you is ask a family lawyer .