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Sponsoring husband from Morocco


Full Member
Apr 13, 2009
thank you for everything

everything will work out inchaallah just is very hard to live far than your love and your first bebe really that is hard

that why i'm sad

thank you

lovely lady

Full Member
Nov 28, 2008
congrats ....... deegirl.......hope you will have a good weekend........ i have a question for you..... your husband had his interview in march.... did it take so long for rabat to give him his visa.. or did he have it for sometime now ???thanks... L.L


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Excellent! FINALLY some news to celebrate!!!! Congratulations deegirl! Enjoy your life together in Canada!


Full Member
Aug 29, 2008
he had to redo his medical as it expired ,,,then they called him in for another 2 and 1/2 hr interview because he worked in libya,,,1 week for security check,,,then they called him up to redo his police papers for morocco lol,,,,but finally its over,,,he picked up his visa last week,,,,he said there was like 100 people there to pick up visa's


Full Member
Aug 29, 2008
oh ya i wanted to say somthing to,,,,to everyone who gets medical done,,,make sure doctors in morocco are putting on date they gave it to you,,,,i see my hubbys date was 3 months before,,,,not when he actually finished it,,,i guess whatever they can do to make you pay for another medical


Full Member
May 17, 2009
hello my sister i came back from rabat now ,i give them the police papers they ask for, i didnt sent it by post like they said ,i went there to make sure it s at the embassy ,so now waiting again lol ,have good time and say hi to your husband ,im in meknes now i finish with the driving test i will have it in a few day,i choos to do it here because in marrakech so defrant u need time for the driver test,i will call him when im in marrakech and meet him inchalah,

hello bubbleboy im good thanks and you? im stil waiting lol i hope next week inchalah ,
good luck to everyone


Star Member
May 22, 2009
he normal normal
what police papers they ask for . and test to drive !!! and please tell me somthing because i heard they doesn't make the interview in english sometimes is that true or not .


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
That's great normalnormal! Any day now they will call you!

Hi bubbleboy. The driver's test was something normalnormal did for himself, NOT for the Embassy so don't worry about that. As far as the language of the interview goes, you can request your interview in English or in French AND, if you want to, you can bring a translator with you. But you must TELL them what language you want for your interview. If they start speaking to you in French, you have to tell them that you need to speak in English. Don't be shy about this.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. It has been very quiet in Rabat these past few weeks for us so I hope we start getting some news soon! Take care.


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
I am confused here, if someone doesn't speak French or English very well and requested the interview in their official language the applicant has to provide their own translator or IO is responsible for that.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi Marlena,

The applicant provides their own translator. I'm going to dig around and see where I can find that information again. I think it's in one of the OP manuals.

Now it's an interesting choice to use a translator for the interview. In my case, I speak English, basic French and beginner Arabic (certainly not enough to carry on a conversation). My husband speaks intermediate English, basic/intermediate French and of course, Arabic is his first language. We communicate in English 99% of the time. We only use French if the other person doesn't understand or know a word in English. Arabic is just used to help me improve my understanding and basic speaking. I've thought about having my husband bring a translator with him to the interview because I don't want him to misunderstand anything being asked and would like to be sure that he can explain himself well. Obviously he's going to be nervous! Also, I have heard that one VO in this embassy prefers to speak in French and that her English is heavily accented and difficult to understand. I wouldn't want something like that to hurt us. However, we will NOT use a translator because one of the important points to prove is how we communicate and show that his English is good enough for us to understand each other and develop our relationship. The ONLY way I would use a translator is if he and I spoke Arabic all the time and his English or French wasn't good enough to communicate with the VO.


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
My husband speak a little of English but not enough to carry on a conversation. Even our emails that I provided them with is written in Arabic. I mean I typed in alphabatical letters but when you read them the meaning in arabic ( hope didn't confuse you with that!). On my his sponsorship application I had indicated we communicate in our native language(arabic) also I had certified that I translated the document for my husband when it was filled out.
The only question I didn't know you have to bring your own interpetor during the interview?. Also do you have to mention to them if you are requested to have an interview that he wants to do it in Arabic because I remember when I filled his application you have to indicate the choice of language during the interview so I'm assuming they know he won't do it in English.
Last question we have to pay if we bring an interpretor as well. Right???


Star Member
Sep 14, 2008
alberta canada
the embassy hase a translater they can provide you with one if you like .the question is how the 2 of you communicate .when the 2 of you communicate for example in english and at the interview you ask to have a translater .sure they wil provide you with one but then the officer will think how can you communicte with your wife in english but you asking for a translater .in my experience when i went to the interview the officer first question she asked me do you need a translater i said no she asked again are you sure we can provide you with one i said no i dont need a translater .but her plan was she knew my wife speak only english and we comunicate only in english so i have to speak english and if i did accept that she provide me with a translater .she would score one point against me .unless if your situation is differents then im sure you can get a translater it all depend on what you profide them on the forms also.


Hero Member
Mar 24, 2009
We never communicate in English only in arabic and i had mentioned that in the application. Even let say I wrote only one letter in English he took it to his friend to translated to him but It happened only once so our communication on msn is in Arabic and I had provided them with a copy as it was communicated. As you long you had mentioned in the application that you communicate in your native language it shouldn't raise any question to the IO.


VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
Job Offer........
Hi nouredine!!! Happy Anniversary a khoya! Very soon for you and my khotti!

Thanks for that information. I thought I had read somewhere that you had to bring your own translator but now I know! You are right, it's better to NOT use a translator for the interview when we communicate in English. But it's tempting! I know, I'm thinking about this TOO MUCH!

MARLENA, then your case is a perfect example of where you WOULD use a translator. You both communicate in your native language which is completely normal. See if you can find this information about a translator on the website for your embassy. Cairo, right? If you can't, this is a good question to email them. Or ask when they call your husband for his interview. Best of luck!