Hey girls...
Ok, let me explain myself well..
What I am saying is if you get a temporary eafaa or a final eafaa it doesn't really matter for Canadian immigration at least. The millitary questionair is to be done and it was required form. Yes it was. Now what is the real purpose of this questionair. I think it is to find out if you have been involved in a war or crimes against humanity. The reason that you need to send eafaa paper is to provide more evidance that you are truthful.
I think as far as immigration. Everyone who served a term in the military is placed on reserve. This is Egypt, it is manditory to serve in the military if they ever needed you. It is not a choice.
Before I visited Egypt, I was wondering why so many Egyptians are not visiting Egypt till they became citizens (they finished their sutdys but fearing to go there). Once you get ur Canadian citizenship, you don't need to serve anymore.
Tamer didn't serve time in jail unfortunatly. What ended up happening is that he did his one year service for the military. In reality he should of done more than one year coz he didn't finish his college degree. But this is Egypt. He didn't get bunished for both crimes. Faking university degree papers and using a fake eafa certificate to get passport. He only served one year of his military. Other people with dipolmas have to serve 2 years or more. It is so sad.