Landed Yesterday
Hubby and I packed our tiny Chevy Aveo hatchback to the max and drove from NYC to Ottawa.
I made inventory sheets on excel for goods imported now and goods to follow. 2 copies of each set. Also Four copies of the B4 form. One as the cover sheet for each inventory copy.
We got to the border at 6:36am. The officer at the booth said "oh really??" When my husband told him I was landing. Maybe people don't land at Lansdowne often Lol
We parked the car and went inside. One immigration officer had just finished shift and one was starting. They told us to wait 5 mins, took my COPR and Passport.
1 hour later the first immigration officer calls us and has me initial parts of the COPR and sign.
They reminded me of the condition 51... Which I knew.
And they said welcome to Canada.
Turns out she was training someone so it took her a while teaching him how to input everything in the computer.
No luck changing my name at the border. Which I figured. She told me "that is between CIC and you." So I will get a name change after PR is issued.
Then I proceed to the second officer which stamped my B4s and gave me the receipt.
I kept 1 B4 for the goods imported now and 1 B4 for the goods to follow with me. They kept the other 2 copies
And that was really it. Lol
Still pretty surreal.
They didn't even read my list of goods. They didn't even see our car.
The only question he asked was "do you have any one item valued at 10K or more listed on here?"
I said NOPE lol ... And we moved on.
------- SIN
Got my SIN today. Went 15 mins before they opened. Was 3rd to be seen. In and out in no time. I was able to get it under my married name. Score
So that is really it... Tomorrow im going to get my name changed on my ON License and then Wed I will go get the ball rolling for insurance (since I have to wait 3 months anyway).