I went through the spreadsheet information last night and made a list of the average PER time based on the date the application was received, but by NOC code. As you can see, certain NOCs are moving much faster than others:
NOC Days until PER
1112 97
2174 97
2241 102
2113 105
2173 106
2132 106
2281 107
1111 108
2133 109
0111 110
2131 110
2171 110
0711 110
1224 111
3142 112
3012 113
1114 113
2172 113
1212 113
0911 113
3141 114
1123 114
4011 115
2263 115
0112 116
3112 116
0311 116
3216 116
4214 116
0113 116
0121 116
3234 116
0013 117
4151 117
3011 117
2232 117
5125 117
1113 117
2234 118
3233 118
0712 119
2243 119
3132 119
0015 119
So if you're looking for an estimated date for your PER, it's best to use this data instead of the 108 days the spreadsheet says, since that's an average of all NOCS, and some are moving faster than others.