Don't worry Ashwuooddream, the email you are waiting for will come very soon.
The ways of God are unknowed, but He always know what we need, everything it's happening for a reason in our lifes, I stronglly believe that.
During this process (Me and my husbund applyed on 21 July 2011, and still we don't have "In Process" on e-cas) I many times lost my Faith, and believe me I didn't have a great life before I met my husbund, and I didn't lost my Faith before, only now this anxity and sress which comes with this recidency process it really hit me a few times.
I did wonder myself at times "why our file was lost, and then it was found, why I forgot to sign two pages on the forms, why Mississagua didn't send the file to Bucharest when they suppose to (got 8 November the approval letter, there they say, your file has been transfered to Bucharest), why all of these has to happen...??!!)
My guess was and I was sure about it, it wasn't suppose to happen!
My husbund always saing "tout vient à temps à qui sait attendre" "everything it's coming at the right moment"
I wish you best of luck to you and to your family.
A happy life in Canada!
God bless everyone