d_b, the Bucharest embassy does NOT ask for original documents! it's weird they ask you for this anyway- should there be any reason why they asked you? only reason i see - they checked all your paperwork and found either something wrong with what you sent either you forgot it completely!
can u paste the whole e-mail here? (without your personal data, of course).
in my original app i included a legalized translation AND a notarized copy of my birth certificate, NOT the original document! (you were supposed to do the same in your application)
and no it doesn't mean they're close to finalizing, i got a document request (for CSQ) in august for example , a long time passed since then. it also doesn't mean they started processing your app, if it got to Bucharest in march this year, you have a long way to go. they probably just opened the file to make sure they ask for what's missing - unfortunately, after that, they toss your app back to the registry to catch dust

sorry for being harsh, it's just how they do -_- stay strong! and show us that e-mail!
deedee, i start to get anxious. the clinic sent the medical results from my 2nd examination to the London medical department from CIC on april 29. since then more than 2 weekes passed. no other news from CIC

i still can't buy the goddamn tickets.