Thank you so much, I'm sure my husband will find work so he also will be able to support our house with me, and can't wait to work when GE gets his pr card. Everything will work out by the grace if God.
P.s, its my 2 children, and his daughter its only his 12 year old daughter coming? Still no difference for income level? Do they not understand I have to claim them once there here with Disability and baby bonus? Cause if I Dont its fraud? I'm sure immigration is well aware his daughter will go on my benefits, as much as I hate to say it which also puts my income up, but that's the truth. So why give me such a long time to send the approval out I MET everything on the list, and he meets the requirements to he sponsored, plus we've been legally married 2 years and together 3.. Ugh the waiting us very very stressful on marriages and children . my self and my Canadian children just want my husband and my step daughter home in Canada with us. Its causing a lot of stress and tears and safety issues to begin with where he is because his daughter was shot and they killed her mother on fathers day and they have yet to arrest anyone.