10/12/2023 - PR application sent.
10/17/2023 - AOR email received, Request for documents (proof of partners citizenship), Request to link accounts, and request for Biometrics Payment.
10/17/2023 - Documents requested and Biometrics recite sent.
1/4/2024 - Request for Medical Examination.
1/9/2024 - Medical Exam complete, waiting for results.
1/13/2024 - Medical Exam Passed. -
3/25/2024 - Biometrics Requested,
3/25/2024 - Biometrics Booked.
4/2/2024 - Biometrics Done..
4/10/2024 - 1st Email received asking to confirm I'm still in Canada and that they will soon invite me to upload a picture of myself for the PR card.
5/3/2024 - 2nd Email received, confirmed my house address, that I was in Canada and send a passport photo for my PR card.
5/8/2024 - Confirmation of Permanent Residency approved, eCOPR downloaded.
6/17/2024 - PR card Arrived..
Job done..