STILLHOPE thank you for your answer, I will send the documents for processing once I have full 6 months of experience, just to be safe.
I wanted to verify how I calculated my points for QSW program:
Bachelors Degree in Business Administration (4 years) 10 pts
+It is listed in Preferred Areas of training list 6 pts
Work Experience (6-11 months) 4 pts
Age (22) 16 pts
French Language (have DELF A2 certificate) 6 pts (not sure if you get 6 for A2... any ideas?)
yes u will get 6 poins if u pass delf a2, so have u allready passed the delf a2 or not
English Language (IELTS Academic Module 7.5 overall band) 6 pts
Haven't been to Quebec, don't have any relatives there. -
Single, no children. -
No job offer. -
Adaptability (worked in US 3 times on contracts, young,
familiar with how things work on that continent etc.) 6 pts
u will get these point at the time of interview
Financial sufficiency 1 pts
Overall: 55 pts
And according to Grille synthese des facteurs et criteres applicables a la selection des travailleurs qualifies (Reglement du 14 octobre 2009) you need 55 pts to meet the requirements of QSW. Is it true?
Can someone checking this one for me?

Would appreciate the help!