lemans207 said:
Interview waiver is that you get your CSQ instead of AOR , not after AOR
so everyone here will have an interview
Truth hurts sometimes
Can you show a document that proves it.. or do you have some statistics or proofs that can establish your claim ?. The immigration site clearly says what it does to process the application and never say anything about no AOR means direct CSQ
This is my belief :
The immigration department will send AOR based on the initial study they do and they send the AOR to someone whom they feel can cross the minimum threshold points. However, due to the recent language rules changes, they may with hold the applications, which has language point claims in less than b2 level and may process it slowly, Considering there are lesser application with B2 or more, and lesser application for listed AOT, they may take up those older applications which failed in the language points with the newer rules, and provide them the route of Interview process.
Also, immigration department cannot be totally transparent too, and no country is transparent when it comes to immigration, the reason is, they want the best resources at the specific time or for long term future, hence they cannot take some x y z and take the burden of providing them the best of Health and education without any return .. hence its impossible to be transparent at all.. definitely, everyone will be unhappy with a rule change and application rejections, but, we have to live with it and we should appreciate the Quebec's right to chose whom it wants....
Also, another point we should remember is, if Quebec only needs french, why on earth should they give points for English ? Quebec still considers English as an important language and no province can get away from this, (The worlds biggest market is an English speaking nation)..
About me :: I got my AOR and to my belief I will have 58 points( married), i dont have any french and if i have to succeed i should achieve B2 before the interview or gain 5 points during the interview, Again its close to impossible, hence I have left the outcome with the departments hands...