Hey guys and fellow experts!

I hope you're all doing well.
I'm from the United States and I've been in Quebec (Montreal) for over 2 years now on a "Visitor Visa" (each 6 months I was applying to stay another 6 month with my boyfriend). The first year was great, but the second year we've dealt with a lot of struggles. My boyfriend is losing hope and he's been dealing with a lot with his family and his mother currently fighting for her life. We love each other, We're planing on getting married, but not under these circumstances, we don't really want to use the marriage card as a tool for me to get a free pass here in Canada.
For other reasons he's not eligible to sponsor me (he lost his job a few months ago...like I've mentioned he's been through a lot within a year).
I can fully support myself, but I want to be a resident permanent and I just don't know what to do.
I got a business online, I only speak English and I won't mind studying or work here if that's what it takes.
I have a medical background, but finding a job in the medical field when you only speak English, let's say that it's quite a pain in the ass.
I just don't know who to contact, who to trust, where to start and what I should do - I'm overwhelmed, stressed and lost. I'm crying at nights praying for someone to help me out.
Please PM me or reply to me here if you have any ideas or solutions.
I'm not special, and I know a lot of people here are looking for answers. I will be so grateful if someone could at least give me some hope. I love this country, I love my boyfriend & his family - I don't want to lose them.
Thanks in advance for your answers.