Hi Mell & Watnxt
These days I am Little bit busy, because I am studying for CISCO CCNA exam, I also a Technical person as both of U, I have studied Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, but now involve in Telecommunication and Network Engineering. it is pleasure to knw both of you.
still I also do not get any reply from Colombo. I also heard some person who have applied after to us ,got visa within 3-4 months and now they live in Canada. I don't know what is the reason to that, as I knw they are
not well qualified person , because we can think if they are qualified they may got a chance. but they do not qualified as us. and I heard these person giving Bribes to Colombo officers and put there file in top of the list , then our file always go to down. I don't knw whether this is true or not , but I heard from few person.
because i heard there was a such that situation in Italy embassy. in last few months. after that one of person make a case with help of lawyer ,and after that these officer get caught by coat and punished to them. mmmm do not know. will see. this is my time line.
Shif Sep 15 Oct 25th
Watnxt Oct 5th Nov 17th Sep 5th
Mel Nov 5th Jan 7th Jun 30th
Dana First week Last Week June 25
of Oct of Oct