Hi all my loves! Big action in this thread today I see

I have my licensing exam tomorrow eeeeek.
@ Fullmoonie - Thanks for stopping in hunny! Glad to hear hubby got the job offers

He'll do great at whatever he decides. I will message ya tomorrow after my exam. xoxo
@ FAD - holy crap. That sucks. I will change the spreadsheet back and put your original AOR date back. SMH. When did you get the first one? Jan or Feb? I would def let POS know their error (maybe through CSE) - poor person waiting on an update and they are sending to other people.. wow.
@ millslu - I can see a big change in you since you finally heard from POS

Good for you! See, all that worryin' that I made you do was just to make you strong and get you ready to kick butt at this interview
@ Zouk - Giiiirrrrlll, you gave me butterflies reminding me about the 8 month mark for you guys and that I'm almost there. I'm even more giddy because I got my AOR within a month of file transfer, so I'm hoping maybe to get it even BEFORE 8 months hehe. But I won't be greedy.. As long as it's good news I will wait to hear it.
@ Behopeful - how you doin? Your AOR is soon comin.. unless FAD already has it

I had to take a break from studying to see if anyone in here got news or if I got anything in my email hehe. But now I gotta go back to studying! I've got my practice patient (a hoodie and sweat pants stuffed with pillows) waiting on me.. so I better get goin.
Much loveee!
I got a good feeling from being in here today!!!!! I hope it's good vibes for my exam tomorrow AND to hear from POS.