They dont send out e-mail for file transfer. I did a CSI (Case Specific Inquiry) and received the e-mail from my local VO that my file has been transferred. If you are inland your application would probably be done via Visa Office in Ottowa or Sydney if I understand correct (someone might like to shed more light on this?)
Also, if you request GCMS notes (which only costs C$5 if your are inside Canada) you will see if your file has been transferred. I also requested GCMS notes (well my family inside Canada requested it for me) at the beginning of February and I will get feedback within 30 calendar day. So will be able to give you guys feedback during next week.
As for Medical Request, this depends on the Visa Office handling your application. For inland I am reading of 2015 May & June only getting MR now. For out land, some September have received them. It is not 2 weeks from AOR my friend, you will have to be more patient than this. From my understanding, they first do all background checks and after this is completed they send MR. Anything from 3 weeks (fastest I have seen) to 10 months I suppose, depending on VO.
thanks @druce. there's nothing we can do except to wait and have positive mindset. right.

anyway, is it easy to request GCMS? is that a one time reply or for the whole process till you get the final decision.( mean they'll update you from time to time..)
thinking now to request too.