I am sick of these people working in cic!!!
They returned the whole package of additional documents i submitted. The reason for return is, i did not include the photos with name,date of birth,and date photo was taken info on the back of photo. To me it looks like they did not even open the little envelope in which i put all the photos with required info on the back and attached it in sequence of the document checklists.
Honestly after waiting for 3 months after submitting the additional documents, i was expecting acknowledgement letter from them and not a return of the whole package. i had to courier them again and pay the courier fees again, damn they should cover the postage cost this time

Not only that, now i have to wait additional 3 months after i resend the package to get the acknowledgement letter. Sucksss. They already delayed on my application by 2 years, by not sending the additional docs request in Nov 2011, instead sent sent it in Nov 2013.
WHat should i do? Do i return the whole package back to them again explaining the photo was included? Or is it that they want me to get the photos taken again, because it did not meet the photo specification? I agree that not all my photos were of same size. Forum member, please advise from your experience.