Just joined the forum and looking for some advice.
First, the application details:
- Application Type: Sponsorship (Parents w/ One dependent only)
- Application Date: 2009-12-30
- Acknowledgement Letter: 2010-01-18
- CPC Mississauga Letter: 2013-08-02
My family:

Sister A (now married)
Sister B (student of Medicine)
Sister C (pursuing an MBA and the dependent in application)
Now that I have to send documents within 90 days (2013-11-02), I am wondering a few things:
> Status of Sister C
- She turned 22 in June 2013 and completed her undergraduate degree in June 2013 but has enrolled in MBA for October 2013.
- Is there a possibility that the short break (July-September) will be seen as a 'break' from full-time studies?
> Add Sister B to my application:
- I applied for my parents and my youngest sister (Sister C) only, as in 2009, my income would only be eligible for a family of 4 even though all my sisters were dependent on my parents. In addition, I anticipated that these applications take a long time and I wasn't sure what would be the status of my sisters. Indeed, one of my sisters (Sister A) got married and is no longer a dependent.
- My income is above the 2013-LICO for 5 family member (49, 102) but it is below the new regulations that will come in to effect January 2014 (2013-LICO + 30% = 63,833)
- Both Sisters B and C are now above 22 years old but both of them have been dependent on my parents/me as they are full time students.
- Is there any chance Sister B can be included in the application? I think from a government point of view, it is a win-win situation that they would allow two non-economic persons but offsetting them are two highly educated dependents almost ready to enter workforce (and thus pay taxes). But from legal/CIC perspective, my 2009 income is not eligible for 5 dependents neither would be the current income as per "future" rules.
> If CIC feels Sister C is not dependent, will they refuse the entire application (my parents') as well?
Thanks for reading the *entire* post if you made to the end! Appreciate any ideas, suggestions!