О my! 4 countries and I am complaining about 1 country PCC only
If I were you I 'd send it too (at least if you have your parents' file number). That was my logic back in June - either it expires or there is a chance they accept it

(still do not know if they did but will let everyone know if I manage to find out)
Do you already have your parents' file number (the one starting with F...)? Idid have the file number so I put it in the cover letter when mailed.
If you do not have file number yet, that may be a bit more complicated (and more chance of them misplacing it or returning it - at least this is what they told me - even though my letter did include the file number

Here is part of their email reply back in June when I tried to inquire if the LVO received my mailed PCCs: "Documents should never be mailed until you receive the file number from the office. If our office did not send you a file number, it would not be possible to match unsolicited mail to a non existent file number."
(From the rest of the email it was obvious that they did not even check any files and just typed up a reply without any checks. Moreover, I did provide the file number in teh email and stated that it was included in the mailed package with the PCCs but looks like they did not even read that carefully - as in their reply they were saying I should not have mailed without file number

Oh well...