Just got off the phone with a CIC agent (decided to follow other people steps and bug them again trying my luck with a different agent

Now, this one told me: have you not received an EMAIL on April 12? (which is the date that my decision made status states as letter sent date)
I said No (and yes, I check my email all the time including junk mail just in case - and I already got an email from CIC before so the address they have is correct).
She put me on hold and then came back and said that I should wait till the end of the week or so to receive an EMAIL and if not, call them back
When I asked about which visa office and whether she can see that, she said "We do not see this information"
So, it seems like they definitely have not yet figured out that whole mail vs. email communication process - sometimes they send emails, sometime mails or maybe their system randomly generates something
Anyway, I need a bit of patience to wait a bit more... (hope at least it is not a negative decision...I do not even know if we can believe anything we hear from agents)