I received Biometric, medical and Police certificate with a gap of few days.
My application includes parents and their dependent kid who is 16 years old.
PCC request letter asks for police certificate for parents but Schedule A for the kid.
What I know is kids under 18 don't get to submit PCC and at the same time Schedule A is also for 18 above so I am confuse what to attach.
Is it for principal applicant or really have to submit for the dependent kid.
Format of the letter is as follows:
Principal Applicant's UCI and Name:
> Submit PCC
Spouse UCI and Name:
> Submit PCC
Dependent Kid UCI and Name:
> Schedule A: A separate and newly completed Schedule A Background
Declaration form (IMM 5669) bearing an original signature You must declare your personal
history and addresses from the age of 18 or the past 10 years, whichever is most recent. Do not
leave any gaps. Please use a separate sheet of paper for additional information. Sign, date and
label each additional sheet with the appropriate question number and headings.
Any help will be appreciated to understand it fully so that I am able to submit the right form for the right person.
Leaving this message for anyone who might have the same question in the future:
I found the answer to my question. If parents have a dependent child, the dependent child must be sponsored by the parents (For the sake of filling the forms). This is why the CIC requires IMM 5669 to be completed for the dependent child, even though the form typically states that only the principal applicant or dependent aged 18 and above need to fill it out.
Form IMM 5534 (09-2022) E (Check list for dependent child) page 3 says the following:
The principal applicant (dependent child being sponsored) must complete this form even if they are under the age of 18. Make sure you provide
the specific details in the “Education History” section of the form. If the principal applicant is under 18, this form must be signed by a parent or legal
guardian acting on the child's behalf."
I would like to mention the link that helped me with this question (Thanks to this comment)