It is because she's a cosigner. Here's how she can be removed and like bdidol said above, write an explanation letter about family members for each year.
Withdrawal of co-signer support
If you change your mind about your support as a co-signer, you must inform the Case Processing Centre of your decision to withdraw from the undertaking
before the sponsored person(s) become(s) a permanent resident of Canada. You must use this
web form and clearly state your name, date of birth and Unique Client Identifier (UCI) /Client ID number, if known, in all correspondence.
- If you inform the CPC beforethe sponsored persons becomes a permanent resident of Canada
- CPC will record the withdrawal of your support. You and the sponsor will be informed in writing that your withdrawal was received.
- We will assess the sponsorship application to see if the sponsor has enough money to support the persons they are seeking to sponsor without a co-signer.
- If the sponsor does not meet the financial requirements on their own, the sponsorship eligibility assessment will be failed.
- If you inform the CPC afterthe sponsored persons have been granted permanent residence
- The commitment you as a co-signer and the sponsor signed to support their family is valid for the term of your undertaking.