Hi All, got the invite and am going to sponsor my parents, I meet all the income requirements

1) They do not have a marriage certificate, they have two affidavits (one in India and one in Oman) made though in the past (1998 and 2004). Should they make another affidavit in 2018. If yes, can anyone share a format/language please.
2) Is there any benefit from using a lawyer or an immigration consultant to file the paperwork, are any of you using one?
3) Do I have to fill in two applications (one for my father and one for my mother) or will one application cover both of them?
4) I have only one other sibling who is 45 years old and is not dependent on my parents, do I need to provide her details as well?
5) My individual income is enough to support the application, is there any benefit to adding my wife as a co-sponsor, e.g. I lose my job and my income dips?
Thanks in advance for the help and guidance and good luck to everyone!